Derekica Snake photo

Derekica Snake

Greetings, gentle readers. My name is Derekica Snake aka kiix. This is the part where I write about myself. It is harder than it looks. It is so much easier to write about fictional characters…hummm. Wait. I have a light blub moment.

On a dark and quiet evening in the month of April, a little girl child came into the world in St. Joesph General Hospital. Upon seeing the little girl with the little curl in the middle of her forehead, the father was heard to remark…why does she have red hair? At that moment I’ve been known as the milkman’s kid, oops, I meant she’s been known as the milkman’s kid. See, this is why I write in first person. If it works for you, stick with it.

My favorite book was “Green eggs and ham”. Apparently my mother got so annoyed with me reciting it that it accidently on purpose got tossed out the window of a moving car. So I guess I started writing my own stories once I was taught to print. I’ve always loved writing fiction. In elementary and secondary school we were required to keep a journal. I didn’t want to. I love to write but not about myself. I just wrote little ideas down and handed them in. I graduated so I guess it was good.

I thought I was in deep fascination with a boy in grade seven who was very into Star Trek. I had no clue what he was talking about so I started learning about Star Trek and now it was what was his name? Sci-fi segued into Fantasy and from there I never looked back. I was a big Star Wars geek (pre-episode 1) and wrote pastiche Han Solo adventures as a teenager.

My writing began to lean towards my current selection of offerings. I initially was a little distressed. I thought I was off – way off. I was uncomfortable with the content and toned it down or cut it out completely on second draft attempts. However, it kept cropping back up and I thought I was going to have to pull my hair out to make it stop but then…on May 6, 2006 at 9:15 a.m. I discovered “Ai No Kusabi” on youtube.

That was also the same time that I realized that what I had been writing and hiding away for years had a name. Yaoi. If it had a name others were reading and writing it so I wasn’t the lone pervert out in the world. I took my hands out of my hair and put my fingers on the keyboard and embraced the world of Yaoi.

It only took me six months to figure out how to start posting stories on the Internet on It wasn’t long before I moved from writing AnK fan fiction to posting my own original Yaoi writing under the pseudonym kiix.

I started writing daily. I found a continuing education course on Professional Creative Writing in a local city and started taking courses. There were some tips and facts that were good but the social networking was the key. It was after this that I started actively exploring getting my works published. That expensive piece of paper honed my confidence enough to start sending out queries and posting my first drafts right to the net.

While I had to pony up time and money to self publish once the rejection e-mails came in, I didn’t mind. I think it was the start of something good. I think? I know it was the start of something good.

Welcome to my version of the world of Yaoi. I look forward to leaving my touch in your mind.

“I pulled out my mp3 player and stuck the buds in, and letting out a big breath, I started to scroll through my music for something appropriate to kill by. John Tesh, it is.”
Derekica Snake
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“...fool me once, shame on me…fool me twice…I deserved to get fucked over.”
Derekica Snake
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