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Destiny Booze

I'm a romantic suspense/thriller author, and oh boy, do I love saying that!

My life is simple, some would even say boring. I work hard, dream big and play often. I believe I have the power to make my dreams come true. Through faith and a positive attitude, I know that I can achieve success for myself and my family.

I live in Botetourt County, Virginia with my husband and son. I strive daily to be the best wife, mother and writer that I can be. My family is always priority number one.

I want happily-ever-after. I want to believe in the basic good of the world. At the end of the day, I want to be proud of myself!

Writing is my calling and passion. It is my dream. What's yours? I want to hear from you!

And remember, make-believe is more than a child's game!

“I don't give up. That makes me incredibly resilient or maybe stupid or just plain stubborn. Whichever...”
Destiny Booze
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“How far can your imagination take you? I don't know. That's up to you, but I think you should find out.”
Destiny Booze
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“I would much rather be considered wise than smart. But, I still think it is wise to get an education.”
Destiny Booze
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“The madder it makes you, the harder you need to laugh at it.”
Destiny Booze
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“Yes, if it is meant to be, it will be. In the meantime, create your own fate. Plan big and dream bigger.”
Destiny Booze
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“I don’t look at my victims at the moment of his or her death. The reason for that is that everyone, probably Adolf Hitler in his time, looks innocent in that moment. ~ The killer”
Destiny Booze
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“That is the definition of a true murderer. One that considers his actions, has the mental capacity to understand the consequences, and chooses to kill.”
Destiny Booze
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“Oh, I’m sorry. My mama died when I was seventeen. She must have forgotten to teach me some manners.’ ~ Chris Chambers”
Destiny Booze
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“Garrett never looked straight at her, sideways yes, but never straight. Couldn’t concentrate that way. Too uncomfortable. That didn’t mean Garrett didn’t see what was right in front of him.”
Destiny Booze
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“She preferred her men less intense and less—well, just less. What she was looking for was control. This man wasn’t tame enough for her liking.”
Destiny Booze
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“I hope you know Cash is in the kitchen making a to-do list for me and Elliot. You let him play boss for ten minutes and he suddenly thinks he’s Hillary Clinton.’~ Leon Montgomery”
Destiny Booze
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“An invisible fire scorched the bottoms of her hands, the feel reminding her of raw energy and stealth, and she tried to jerk away, unable to do so because the man held her in place. He would surely kill her now. No one touched a lion and lived to tell about it.”
Destiny Booze
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“His glare snapped back on her with enough speed that she shrunk away from him. 'Make no mistake about me,' William said harshly. 'I'm not a good man! I'm a killer; I'm just one with an agency attached to my name.”
Destiny Booze
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“A good man would help the two people in the limo because it was the right thing to do; a good man would turn himself in; a good man would beg for his job back; a good man would just let this case go and move on. William wasn't a good man, not anymore. He was on a mission.”
Destiny Booze
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“We're not really dating per se,' Leigh said. Nate grinned. 'I wouldn't be so sure about that, pretty lady. I know my brother's tastes and you definitely have the main ingredients. His eyes ate more than his mouth at dinner.”
Destiny Booze
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“I didn't say I was done with you. You think you want to sleep with me? Let me show you what happens to girls who wake up in my room,' Freddie said. He saw the fear in her face, but she obeyed. They always did.”
Destiny Booze
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“Prepare yourself for success. You have to see it coming to get there.”
Destiny Booze
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“Have you had a failure or rejection? You could get bitter. That's one way to deal with it. could just get BETTER. What do you think?”
Destiny Booze
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“Don't go downhill just because it's easy. The view is only visible from the top.”
Destiny Booze
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