Devon Trevarrow Flaherty photo

Devon Trevarrow Flaherty

Devon is an award-winning novelist from Durham, North Carolina. She grew up in metro-Detroit in an enormous extended family and was an artist as soon as she could hold a crayon. She put together her first book–with packing tape, cardboard and wrapping paper–in her aunt’s magical bedroom full of bookshelves and a roll-top desk. In fourth grade she won a Young Laureate for the book she wrote about the death of her closest sibling and was pushed further toward her inevitable literary future by an enthusiastic and supportive teacher who let Devon sing her science reports and limerick her way through schooling. In junior high, she lost a Farmers Bureau poetry competition to a little girl who seems like quite a neat lady, now, on Facebook. In college, she rebounded with local awards for her poetry, a stint as editor-in-chief of the literary magazine Parnassus at her alma mater in Indiana, and almost received honors for her philosophy thesis, “The Obligation of Affluence.” She was an assistant editor for The Gale Group before she relocated to Durham and became a mom and a freelance editor/writer/researcher.

Devon loves writing and hopes to keep bringing you novels, blogs, poems, short stories, and essays until well after she should have retired as anything else. She spends her time now between mothering, wife-ing, reading, painting, yoga, hiking, crafting, cooking and enjoying food, homemaking, traveling, and humanitarian and religious work. Except during the work day, when she is a full-time writer and indy publisher with Owl and Zebra Press.

“The question hung unfinished between them, stretched over the desert, emblazoned like a sword that pierced through his heart, through her heart, and out like a bloodied ship mast rising on sandy waves.”
Devon Trevarrow Flaherty
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