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Diablo Cody

“Look, in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person is still going to think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.”
Diablo Cody
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“The funny thing was that the sisters were hardly nubile, creamy-skinned Lolitas blushing on the bough. In fact, one of them looked like she'd beaten herself with a tire iron during a smallpox-induced hallucination, and the other looked like a close-up photo of a wolf spider.”
Diablo Cody
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“Everyone's favorite supper is a gluey carbohydrate-rich concoction known simply as "hotdish" and served in a community Pyrex.”
Diablo Cody
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“Ten Best Song to Strip1. Any hip-swiveling R&B fuckjam. This category includes The Greatest Stripping Song of All Time: "Remix to Ignition" by R. Kelly.2. "Purple Rain" by Prince, but you have to be really theatrical about it. Arch your back like Prince himself is daubing body glitter on your abdomen. Most effective in nearly empty, pathos-ridden juice bars.3. "Honky Tonk Woman" by the Rolling Stones. Insta-attitude. Makes even the clumsiest troglodyte strut like Anita Pallenberg. (However, the Troggs will make you look like even more of a troglodyte, so avoid if possible.)4. "Pour Some Sugar on Me" by Def Leppard. The Lep's shouted choruses and relentless programmed drums prove ideal for chicks who can really stomp. (Coincidence: I once saw a stripper who, like Rick Allen, had only one arm.)5. "Amber" by 311. This fluid stoner anthem is a favorite of midnight tokers at strip joints everywhere. Mellow enough that even the most shitfaced dancer can make it through the song and back to her Graffix bong without breaking a sweat. Pass the Fritos Scoops, dude.6. "Miserable" by Lit, but mostly because Pamela Anderson is in the video, and she's like Jesus for strippers (blonde, plastic, capable of parlaying a broken nail into a domestic battery charge, damaged liver). Alos, you can't go wrong stripping to a song that opens with the line "You make me come."7. "Back Door Man" by The Doors. Almost too easy. The mere implication that you like it in the ass will thrill the average strip-club patron. Just get on all fours and crawl your way toward the down payment on that condo in Cozumel. (Unless, like most strippers, you'd rather blow your nest egg on tacky pimped-out SUVs and Coach purses.)8. Back in Black" by AC/DC. Producer Mutt Lange wants you to strip. He does. He told me.9. "I Touch Myself" by the Devinyls. Strip to this, and that guy at the tip rail with the bitch tits and the shop teacher glasses will actually believe that he alone has inspired you to masturbate. Take his money, then go masturbate and think about someone else.10. "Hash Pipe" by Weezer. Sure, it smells of nerd. But River Cuomo is obsessed with Asian chicks and nose candy, and that's just the spirit you want to evoke in a strip club. I recommend busting out your most crunk pole tricks during this one.”
Diablo Cody
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“Kyle dumped me for some stripper whore who shops at Wet Seal.”
Diablo Cody
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“For me, stripping was an unusual kind of escape. I had nothing to escape but privilege, but I claimed asylum anyway. At twenty-four, it was my last chance to reject something and become nothing. I wanted to terrify myself. Mission accomplished.”
Diablo Cody
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“He wasn’t a carrier of commitment-phobia or other notable boy diseases and he used expensive moisturizer. That’s about all it takes to bang my gong.”
Diablo Cody
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“Of course, the strippers also take pains not to appear too innocent, valorous, or bookishly inclined. (In direct opposition to the Swayze Mandate of 1987, everybody puts Baby in a goddamn corner.)”
Diablo Cody
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“Vodka Redbull: Upper meets downer in an effervescent hybrid of bubble gum and junkie piss”
Diablo Cody
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“Love is mysterious and rad, like Steve Perry from Journey”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: [yelling through the house] Dad? Mac MacGuff: What? Juno MacGuff: Either I just peed my pants or um... Mac MacGuff: *Or*...? Juno MacGuff: THUNDERCATS ARE GO!”
Diablo Cody
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“The Ten Worst Songs to Strip To: 1. That Midnight Oil song about aborigines”
Diablo Cody
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“In my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.”
Diablo Cody
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“In my opinon, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what have you, the right person will still think the sun shines out your ass. That's the kind of person that's worth sticking with.”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: You can never have too many of your favorite one calorie breath mints.”
Diablo Cody
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“Jeez banana! Shut your freaking gob!”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: "Thanks a heap coyote ugly. This cactus-gram stings worse than your abandonment.”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? ”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: Wise move. I know this girl who had a huge crazy freakout because she took too many behavioral meds at once. She took off all her clothes and jumped into the fountain at Ridgedale Mall and she was like, "Blaaaaah! I'm a kraken from the sea!" Su-Chin: That was you.”
Diablo Cody
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“Shoulda gone to China. They give away babies like free iPods. They put them in guns and shoot them out at sporting events. ”
Diablo Cody
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“Bren MacGuff: Well, honey, doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream... ”
Diablo Cody
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“Gas Attendant: "Thata ain't no etch-a-sketch. Thats one doodle that can't be un-did home skillet.”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno: Honest to blog?”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno: WOOOAH! ....Dreeeaaam BIG!”
Diablo Cody
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“Above the stage was a glass-floored second stage, which allowed customers to look up and watch another girl dancing overhead. This multidimensional display of poontang reminded me of the 3-D chessboard on Star Trek, which in turn reminded me that I was a huge nerd.”
Diablo Cody
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“Nobody comes to Minnesota to take their clothes off, at least as far as I know.”
Diablo Cody
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“When you're in a competitive environment, always give out the impression that you don't care. It makes people want you more. If you act desperate, it's over. I think a passive attitude is helpful. It comes naturally because I'm lazy.”
Diablo Cody
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“The name fuse followed me from the book to the screenplay, and now I have to live with the name, which I chose in 30 seconds with no thought about how it might sound or what it might imply. It was just a funny thing.”
Diablo Cody
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“He is the cheese to my macaroni.”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: I don't know what kind of girl I am. ”
Diablo Cody
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“Juno MacGuff: I was out handling things way beyond my maturity level.”
Diablo Cody
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