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Diana Pharaoh Francis

I was raised on a cattle ranch in Northern California (outside a town called Lincoln which is now part of an enormous sprawl). I taught myself to ride a horse at the age of six, as no one had the time to teach me—they were all busy learning how to irrigate, how to cajole an angry bull into another field, how to pull a calf… Afraid of heights, and absolutely sure I was going to die, I managed to scramble up on the back of a very patient and lazy strawberry roan destrier, and plod off into the sunset.

Thereafter, I spent much of my early life on horseback, or so far buried into a book that the rest of the world ceased to exist (much to the annoyance of my family—it took several attempts to get my attention). We all had very specific jobs on the ranch and mine was horses and cattle—out rounding up at dawn. And since I rode bareback, my standing request was to wake me up 5 minutes before everyone else headed for the barn—time enough to dress and eat my Wheaties, and no sleep time wasted on saddling.

After high school, I attended college after college, racking up a BA and MA in creative writing and a Ph.D. in literature and theory. My very patient and supportive husband traipsed across the Midwest and back to Montana for me (though my husband insists that he’s been running and hiding and I just keep finding him), where I now teach at the University of Montana-Western. We also a son Q-ball, who in our humbly unbiased opinions, is the most wonderful son ever produced, and a daughter, Princess Caesar, who is the most wonderful daughter ever produced.

I have a fascination for the Victorians, weather, geology, horses, plants and mythology, I like spicy food, chocolate and cheesecake, and I have an odd sense of humor. (Or so I’ve been told. Often.) Incidentally, the Pharaoh is in fact my real name, and oddly enough, is of British origin.

Some of my current favorite sf/f writers are Ilona Andrews, Carol Berg, C.E. Murphy, Patty Briggs, Lynn Flewelling, Rachel Caine, David Coe, and Anne Bishop.

“Pain and guilt tore through him. His soul was bleeding to death. He stood there, waiting to die. How could he not? But such wounds were not fatal.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“Just remember, I am not going anywhere,” he said, still watching her lips. “And if you ever try to hide from me, I will not believe you are dead. I will find you. Count on it.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“She'd worry about it later. For now, she had an appointment with a homicidal godlet.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“Her Shadowblade Prime was fully roused now, power rolling away from her in uncontrollable waves. Her Blades wouldn't be able to ignore it. She had to get to the vault before they came running to stop her like a horde of hysterical nannies.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“I don't mess around with the men in the coven, especially my Shadowblades," she said with quiet finality. Flirting was one thing but anything more, it was a mistake of epic proportions. His eyes narrowed and he gave a slow shake of his head. "That is all right then. Because I want so much more than just to mess around.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“Make this quick,” he told her. “And do not die. I have plans for you when we get back to Horngate. They will not be nearly as pleasant if you are a corpse.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“Pretty show, but you're wasting energy and time," Max said. "Mind if we get back to saving Horngate? You can go postal later.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“You got a problem?""Aside from the fact that we are about to die? No. But I want to say thank you before it is too late.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“You are very unexpected, do you know that?""Is that your way of calling me stupid?" she asked wryly."If the glove fits," he said.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“Niko does seem to have a buzzard's luck, don't he? Thor said after a moment. Tyler slanted a look at him. "What the hell does that mean?"Thor looked startled, then grinned. "Means he's been diggin' up more snakes than he can kill."Tyler looked at Alexander. "Is he even speaking english?""Niko has bad luck," Alexander translated.Tyler looked at Thor. "You couldn't just say that?""I did, son, but you just can't seem to spot a goat in a flock of sheep."Tyler scowled. "I'm pretty sure that was a insult.""Only because it was," Niko said."How the hell am I supposed to get all self-righteous and pissed if I can't understand what the idiot is saying?”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“How the hell was she going to fight them?With style. She could almost hear Niko's voice. She grinned, despite herself. Do try not to die, won't you? That was Tyler. It would have been followed by a delicate yawn. And Oz: Keep your head down and don't be stupid. Lise: Bitch, do not even think about leaving me alone with all this testosterone. Giselle: You can't win if you die, so suck it up. Tutresiel: Princess, you aren't even trying if you're dying.And Alexander: Come home.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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“There were some days that deserved to be drowned at birth and everyone sent back to bed with a hot brandy, a box of chocolates and a warm, energetic companion. Today was without question one of those days.”
Diana Pharaoh Francis
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