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Diana Wilder

I grew up all around the United States courtesy of a very mobile family. Perhaps because of the Irish in me, I love to weave stories for my own enjoyment about the people I meet and the places I've seen during my travels. I graduated with a degree in ancient and medieval history and experience in journalism.

I started writing novels in graduate school, and have produced four set in New Kingdom Egypt: The City of Refuge, The Orphan's Tale, Pharaoh's Son and A Killing Among the Dead. I have others in that cycle under way, with one, a love story, due to be released within six months.

I have written stories set in ancient Egypt, the American Civil War, and various fantasy settings incorporating my favorite eras.

I enjoy traveling, photography, and sailing.

“We dream sometimes of what we most fear," he said, his hand seeking and closing about the Eye of Horus amulet that hung at his breast. "But you must know that Horus does not challenge Set because he is assured of victory, but because it's the right thing to do. He fights because it is wrong to hold back for fear of the cost. If he knew at this moment that he might fall through treachery, he would face Set nevertheless for the sake of honor and of justice.”
Diana Wilder
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“There were monsters abroad, there was no denying it - but what of the thousands of people in Thebes and in the rest of Egypt who had not robbed tombs?The tally of those who had not bowed to greed far outweighed that of those who had. It was easy to forget that fact amid the horror of the acts of the guilty. Wenatef had lost sight it for a time, but now it was as though he were surrounded by a great, silent multitude: the honorable and faithful ones who had not done wrong.”
Diana Wilder
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“I think what we fear is the shadow of what we love”
Diana Wilder
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