Diane L. Randle photo

Diane L. Randle

UPADATE APRIL 25, 2014 - Spectral Witness is being taken offline and out of paperback sales because I have sold a revised screenplay to a major studio in Hollywood - during the revision of the screenplay the story changed considerably and is now called Mirror Lake.

At some point I may take the time to novelize it again, otherwise the studio will have it novelized (though that may be difficult - having someone else do it). My writing has always been geared toward screenplays and I now have a deal which precludes my working on any prose for the moment, except for my short story collection which I hope to publish in 2015. ....

Thanks...and here's another message from me in 2013/2014 ....WHAT A CRAZY YEAR!

Hello...thanks for stopping by. A note: My home was destroyed in the High River, Alberta, Canada, June 2013 flood. But that's alright. I'm fine. I do not have it as tough as many. Currently I am not promoting the book and it is only available in paperback via Lulu. I have sadly moved away from High River (note that the name High River is derived from Highwood River, sigh, I have heard 'you live in a place called High River, you shouldn't be surprised you flooded' too many times!) and have set up in beautiful British Columbia. With everything going on, the book is dead last in my priorities.

Thanks, have a great day, hope you are all well and the waters and other natural disasters stay far from your door!

Here is my background:

I have a diploma in film and worked in t.v. and film for a decade in various capacities. I studied writing with iconic Canadian writer W.O. Mitchell at the Banff Centre of the Arts and won the National Film Board of Canada Award at the Banff TV Festival for Best Pitch for a tv series I created called 'Hypoxia'.

I have written small (read as 'eeny weeny') stage projects that have been produced and done freelance copywriting for corporate clients.

Currently I work in health care and appreciate the contribution I'm able to make to society while observing the drama around me. Working in health care is a banquet for a writer. Every kind of person in the world needs health care sometimes and people are fascinating!

I have written some screenplays that were 'almost' produced, that got great reviews from industry professionals but never quite got the greenlight. I love those stories and I am turning them into novels. Spectral Witness is the first of those and frankly, I am now so GRATEFUL it was not produced seven years ago because I would have left the story where it was...and there was much more, oh so much more, to learn about these people. The novel allowed me to do that and write a much richer, deeper story than was expressed in the screenplay. I may go back and do a rewrite on that script and maybe this time it will get the greenlight.

Currently I am building my screenwriting portfolio and working on a book of short stories.

Thank you


“Jeopardy, Mom! You have got to get on Jeopardy! Seriously! You could marry Alex Trebek! You could be Alex and Alex Trebek! You could be Alex SQUARED!”
Diane L. Randle
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“If we found a ticket to Disneyland would you think we should arrest Mickey Mouse?”
Diane L. Randle
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