Diane René Christian is an award winning short story writer turned
novelist. Her work has appeared in various print and electronic publications.
Diane René Christian was raised in Pennsylvania and spent her childhood years playing in the fields of Valley Forge Park. She now resides in the Pacific Northwest.
Christian's family tree has been shaped by adoption in many ways. Her paternal grandfather and her father were both adopted. She is also an adoptive mother to two children.
In 2005 she traveled to China to adopt her youngest daughter. A year and a half later she returned to China to adopt her oldest daughter. Christian's novel 'An-Ya and Her Diary' is dedicated to her children.
“Dear Diary,We flew to the other side of the world, and I never stopped holding you close to my chest. You were empty and so was I. My only friend in the world. The only one who understood where I began and where I was going. We flew together and everything we knew before was gone.”
“Dear Diary,All that she left inside the box was a blank book and a name. You are the book, and I am the name...An-Ya. As you know, my name is printed on your first page. Did She write it? What did She look like as She stood over you with Her pen? Were there tears in Her eyes? Why were you left empty inside?”
“Dear Diary,My pen is finally touching your pages. It is time to tell our story. Our story began in China and now it continues in America. I want to write about our old life and I want to write about our life now. I will write it all down with hopes that somehow I can connect the two worlds I have lived in. Right now those worlds seem so far apart.”