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Diane Schoemperlen

“Against all odds and despite all evidence to the contrary, still we trust that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, of our personal tunnel anyway.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“It is time to venture out of the comforting land of either/or opposites and travel into the uncertain territory of both/and.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“For those of us with a bookish bent, reading is a reflexive response to everything. This is how we deal with the world and anything that comes our way. We have always known that there is a book for every occasion and every obsession. When in doubt, we are always looking things up.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“It begins to dawn on her that she is lackadaisical about other people. They are tremendously important to her for a time and then they are not. She begins to see her life in sections, as separate pockets of time and affiliation.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“Joanna has an unmanageable lump in her throat and wonders why it's always the happy memories that make her cry.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“Did she really remember that day so clearly or was she making it up as she went along?”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“She thought she would do something with them someday, although she could not have said what and in fact she never did.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“Much of what she found charming and refreshing about him at the outset of their relationship now bugged the hell out of her.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“Talking to Clarence can be like talking to a child, although it is much more charming in children.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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“I remind myself that not everything is a sign, that some things simply are what they appear to be and should not be analyzed, deconstructed, or forced to bear the burden of metaphor, symbol, omen, or portent.”
Diane Schoemperlen
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