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Dianne Sylvan

Dianne Sylvan, author of the Shadow World novels (Queen of Shadows, Shadowflame, Shadow’s Fall, the forthcoming Of Shadow Born, and at least one more) as well as two books on NeoPagan spirituality (The Circle Within: Creating a Wiccan Spiritual Tradition and The Body Sacred), lives in Austin, Texas, the only sane part of the entire state.

She is an unabashed Mac enthusiast, a froofy iced coffee beverage addict, a chronic Twitterer, a seasoned snark professional, a Spiritual Nomad, a shameless Vampire Diaries (TV) fangirl, a happy herbivore, a bit of a moody Scorpio, a sock junkie, a slightly freaky tattooed postmodern hippie, a cupcake baker extraordinaire, and is prone to hyperbole as well as fits of profanity.

When she’s not glued to the internet or writing about vampires, she works in the veterinary clinic and volunteers as bio writing coordinator for the animal rescue organization Austin Pets Alive.

She collects vegan cookbooks, wacky t-shirts, blank journals, obsessions, and dust.

She lives with two neurotic cats, Stella and Owen.

“it was very important business. Negotiations for a cease-fire between warring parties."David rolled his eyes. "You could just say makeup sex.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Even when you're not wearing a geeky T-shirt, you're carrying your geekdom with you wherever you go.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“David's a unicorn? That explains so much.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“i'm not asking you fight. all i need is a ride. then you can crawl back under your rock and pretend the rest of the world doesn't exist all you like, but first, get your keys, little girl, we're leaving.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“He toke his gaze off Miranda long enough to size up kat. Miranda could see the calculation in his face:human, female,harmless. "hello". he gave drew a disdainful glance and, after that, barely allotted him the notice he would give a troublesome insect.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Sure. I’ ll go out and start drinking blood right now . Then I’ ll come back with fangs and a melanin deficiency and rule the world. And also, David willfall so madly in love with me that the Signet will pick me as his Queen and we’ ll live happily ever after in bloodsucking bliss among the sparklyunicorns.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Deven tilted his head again, set down his glass, and said, "Any fight between us, my Lady, will be short and unpleasant.""Just like you." Miranda bit back.Silence.Then Deven laughed.Miranda didn't, but she felt the tension in the air dispel and sat back with her wineglass."I like her," Deven told David. "She's bright and fearless, just like they say. Give her fifty years and she'll be a force of nature.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Your balls + my gun, you rat bastard.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“You carved your name into my heartYou said we were foreverBut everything falls Everything falls apart...”
Dianne Sylvan
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“No! No! Not without me! Not without me!”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Hello, James,” Deven replied mildly. “Had any consensual sex lately?”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Darling, sometimes I think it's a good thing you're so pretty.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“I'm sorry. I souldn't have shut you out. I know you're hurting, too. ""Permission to speak freely, Sire ?""Granted.""You're an asshole," she said and hugged him.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Again", he said.She wanted to scream, but she tried to do as he said. And failed. "Again.""Stop saying that! You sound like a fucking Teletubby!”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Do you think I'll ever have a real life?""Define real.""You know... a job, a family, a house, stuff like that.""Is that what you want?""I don't know. I used to think the idea of normal was awful, but maybe that was just because I never thought I could have it.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“But if you've got a woman, what are you doing here?""I don't have a woman but I'm afraid she has me.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“We are disconnected from nature, we are wounded from the Spirit outward, and that has caused the largest majority of the problems that plague the world today.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“I will protect you," she promised the Bosendorfer inside. "I won't let you down."Sophie gave her a quizzical look."Bastards better not hurt my piano," Miranda replied."That's what you're worried about right now? What about your boyfriend?”
Dianne Sylvan
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“What about you? If I asked you . . . would you turn me?"Faith's eyes went wide. "Turn you into a vampire?""No, turn me into a frog. Could you do it?"Faith finished her beer in one long swallow. "I might be able to, physically. But I wouldn't."Miranda had known she would say that, but still, her heart sank. "Why not?"She laughed. "Because my boss would kill me.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“He wondered if perhaps, subconsciously, he was trying to sabotage her efforts by setting the bar too high, trying to keep her with him longer; but surely his subconscious wasn't that stupid?”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Uh.. you'er Sophie?" Mrianda ventured"That's me""How old areyou?"Sophie rolled ker wide brown eyes, "Ahunderd and forty-eight" she relied. "I got to live back when women coulden't vote, isn't that awesome?”
Dianne Sylvan
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“...But we also believe that part of our mission in life is to find our bliss and follow it. Life is a precious and delicate gift. How much of that gift do we squander out of fear?”
Dianne Sylvan
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“At heart we are all powerful, beautiful, and capable of changing the world with our bare hands.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“You can threaten a village wise woman with death and torture and she may say "jesus is lord" to survive, but you can never know what's really in her heart...that, I feel, is how the goddess survived centuries of history and hatred.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“We don't get to choose how we're born, Miranda, and very rarely how we die; but we get to choose how we live. Life is too short to spend in dread and guilt.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“ I am in love with you, miranda Grey. I've fallen so far into you that I can't eve see the stars anymore, but it doesn't matter- you're all the light I need."" Cheesy.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Gossip was usually a mindless distraction from a far too serious world.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“She was famous, and she was insane.Her voice soared out over the audience, holding them spellbound and enraptured, delivering their hopes and fears tangled in chords and rhythm. They called her an angel, her voice a gift.She was famous, and she was a liar.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“It’s okay. I’m just in a weird mood. Have you ever had a feeling like something was about to happen?”“Of course,” Kat replied. “It’s called PMS.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“...she is careful who she sleeps with, because only those willing totreat her witht he same reverence are worthy of her attention....you are the Goddess, and "all acts of love and pleasure" are your rituals”
Dianne Sylvan
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“Consider the holiness of your hands. They are how you do your work on this earth; they are a microcosm of the hands of the Goddess, and can change the world as easily as hers can.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“It was your body....that danced at your first drum circle; it was your body that gave birth to your child; it was your body that got down and dirty in the back seat of your dad's station wagon; it was your body that shivered, sweated, clasped its hands, fell to its knees, wept, and laughed the first time you felt the presence of the goddess in your life.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“By the grace of the Lady, whose face mirrors my own, may I ever remember I am made in her image, blessed and beautiful.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“god, can you imagine getting married at nineteen?" miranda asked. "when i was nineteen i didnt even know how to do my own laundry." she added, for david's beneit, "you know, laundry? washing your own clothes? there are people who do that."he rolled his eyes. "i know how to do laundry. i watched my wife do it dozens of times.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“faith gaped at him"how the hell did you do this?" He looked at her as if she'd asked the dumbest question in history. "I'm brilliant.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“she decided no human man would ever touch her again. the doors to her body and heart were already locked, and she would give the key to only one man, perhaps someday...perhaps never...but all the same she didnt care about falling in love, or getting married, or any of that, anymore. it was too late for mortal men to stake any sort of claim to her affections. if she grews old and died alone, it would be in full posession of her heart.and if she ever gave it, she would give it eternally, and without regret.”
Dianne Sylvan
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“I am not, as it turns out, incapable of changing myself or my life. I am not, as it turns out, worthless. I am, in fact, one seriously badass Witch who holds in her hands the power to change the world. ”
Dianne Sylvan
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