Dick Donovan photo

Dick Donovan

See also J.E. Preston Muddock

“When she paused, I embraced the opportunity to turn the trend of conversation by saying:'I am afraid that I was a little rude to you last night,' but I hardly expected such a blunt reply as she made.'Yes, you were exceedingly rude, and I hate rude men.''I hope you don't hate me,' I cried, laughingly.'Oh no, not quite. You're a Londoner, you see.'This was very severe. I confess I was hardly prepared for it, and I was tempted to say something cutting in reply, but checked myself, bowed, and merely remarked:'Which is not my fault. Therefore pity me rather than blame me.''Certainly I do that,' she replied, with an amusing seriousness.("The Doomed Man")”
Dick Donovan
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“A man need not be ashamed of moist eyes when he gazes on the face of some loved one who is far away. It's human. It shows a kindly heart, an impressionable mind!("The Doomed Man")”
Dick Donovan
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