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Dielle Ciesco

Dielle Ciesco is a Kundalini Yoga enthusiast and creator of Shamanic Voicework which she shares in her two books, The Unknown Mother: A Magical Walk with the Goddess of Sound and Your True Voice: Tools to Embrace a Fully Expressed Life (written as Dielle Ciesco). She is also influenced by teachings of the Bon tradition of Tibet (pre-Buddhist) including Ngöndro and Chöd as well as Peruvian traditions; various forms of meditation and sound healing; Reiki I & II and Reiki Tummo I & II and most recently, Tera Mai I. She values beauty, light, and creativity. The combination of tools she has learned and practiced have proven essential in bringing resilience and balance to her body, mind, emotions, and spirit, some of her favorite tools being the mirror, breath, voice, movement, and limpia (or energetic cleansing). Now, she shares those tools and helps you find your own answers.

“What’s more amazing is how we habitually take the power ofour voice for granted. When we bring our awareness to our voiceand learn to express it in new ways—with impeccability—werediscover our true message. Your voice is the key to unlockingthe power and magnificence of your message. This work isn’tabout singing on key, finding the right words, leaving out ‘ums’and ‘uhs’ and articulating clearly. This is about allowing andaccepting your Magical Self. Let’s talk about how words createyou.”
Dielle Ciesco
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“After I nodded, she continued. “We can no longer express with words our emotional states, our revelations, our transformations. Words fail. We are in the very beginning stages of what might take years or even decades of transition. The human race is developing a Universal Language. The practices that will assist humanity—and assist you—in reaching this higher communication will include all the things I'll share with you: vocal exploration, meditation, and energetic practices such as chi gong and yoga. Through these techniques, you are going to completely overhaul your nervous system and your energetic makeup to allow the emergence of this language within you.”
Dielle Ciesco
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“Something is conscious of us. It listens as it plays upon theinstruments that we are. It takes delight in the cacophony, anorchestration so grand it is far beyond our contemplation. It ismasterful, elegant, swift, and awesome. It is the Song of theUniverse—and more. It is our Composer, and one who lovesbeyond conditions, beyond the beyond. If the law of ‘as above, sobelow’ holds true, then we too are composers. We too sing songsthat breathe shape into reality. But are we listening? Are wepaying attention to the compositions we create?”
Dielle Ciesco
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