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Diet Eman

Diet Eman was a young woman during the Nazi invasion of Holland during WWII. She, along with many other members of the Resistance including her fiance, worked to hide Jewish people from the Nazi's. She was arrested and imprisoned for a time. She wrote a book entitled "Things We Couldn't Say" which tells the story of her time during WWII and how her faith sustained her.

“(Thinking while being interrogated by the Germans) You big shots think you can decide on my life, but I have news for you: you can't touch a hair on my head without the will of God my Father, because He is on my side.”
Diet Eman
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“I had no real communication with anyone at the time, so I was totally dependent on God. And he never failed me.”
Diet Eman
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“I would stand there at times and remember how beautiful God created this world, and then I would be reassured that he would certainly take care of me and all of my loved ones.”
Diet Eman
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“All during that prison time I really lived by prayer. Be in prayer always, we're told, and back then I was.”
Diet Eman
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“They thought we were stupid to do it, (hide Jews) of course; in fact, it was beyond their comprehension that we would risk so much for Jews.”
Diet Eman
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“But miracles still happen, even if we don't think they do.”
Diet Eman
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“To me it was real war and my life was at stake, and I believe that all those clandestine spy games we played as children helped when the Occupation came.”
Diet Eman
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“I felt peace, even though I was still scared to death. I thought that, whatever would happen to me - I could still be killed. I didn't know - and in what I'd already been through, God was in control.”
Diet Eman
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“By the end of the war, I could pick out Jewish people almost as if I had a sixth sense about it, even if they had blue eyes and blond hair. I would have been a very valuable Gestapo person.”
Diet Eman
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“After the prayer they executed an armed robbery. That sounds very strange this many years later: prayer and then armed robbery.”
Diet Eman
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“Yesterday the paper had a "short" summary of the places where Jews are not allowed! I can better mention where they are still aloud: "in their houses and in the streets!" God, punish those who are persecuting the people you chose and to whom Jesus also belonged. -From the diary of Diet Eman”
Diet Eman
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“Again, a conversation with the doctor. We always come back to the same point: "The church may not mix in politics." he says. And I tell him that when you are a Christian and profess that God is almighty, there is no single area of life from which you can eliminate God. -From the diary of Diet Eman”
Diet Eman
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“O Father, console them and please spare our country from that terrible disaster, not because we are any better but only out of grace. And if it has to be different, then teach me to pray: "Your will be done." O please protect him whom my soul lives! -From the journal of Diet Eman”
Diet Eman
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