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Don Bradley

“The single most dangerous (to the controllers) Human Soul alive in our time is the person who listens to their heart and is withdrawing all their agreements to the various fictions in play right now. If you cannot be conned by fictions presented to you, than the only thing remaining, is reality. Like layers of an onion, we strip away the illusions of reality to reveal spirit. That's one of the aspects of orgone work, to strip away the layers of lies blanketing all the kingdoms, mineral, animal, plant, human, angelic, and other. As you gift, freeing others, you free yourself. And further down/up the rabbit hole of wisdom and knowledge we fall.”
Don Bradley
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“Intuition is more than knowledge, and truth comes pure from the heart.”
Don Bradley
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“The world was a playground for the foolish and an exalted wonder of love and magic for the wise.”
Don Bradley
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“As in other tests it was now the moment of decision; she was given a final chance to reverse the inevitable course of destiny—ever does free will move through the gate that binds the past and future.”
Don Bradley
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“The more she thought abut it, the more she realized how many of her choices and decisions were really based on some form of fear—the fear of the unknown, the unseen, her future, and fear of…destiny.”
Don Bradley
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“Wherever suffering raised its ugly head, these angels of compassion could be found—in a home, in a relationship, or when mankind decided its conflicts on some forgotten piece of land turned into a graveyard with weapons of war.”
Don Bradley
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“Magic is magic except to the magician.”
Don Bradley
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“We must choose this, if we have the debt to pay. Murder in one life, and be murdered in the next. Rape in one, be raped in another. We decide if we pay now or later; balancing all that is in the great wheel of life.”
Don Bradley
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“The key to longevity is the purity of one’s heart.”
Don Bradley
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“Of all things, only the heart is measure. And those who have hearts are always the hope of mankind.”
Don Bradley
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“Each event touching another; like threads that design in concert, creating the fabric that is life.”
Don Bradley
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“His joy swept out and away from him, as rays shooting through every part of the world.”
Don Bradley
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“Once again, the wheel was turning; the time for rest was over.”
Don Bradley
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“The clocks had struck their dreadful purpose and the time now brought all circumstances into the circle.”
Don Bradley
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“She was the radiant center of any circle she entered. And she bore the mark. It was visible to those who had eyes to see, a heart to feel.”
Don Bradley
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