Donald S. Smurthwaite photo

Donald S. Smurthwaite

“I have learned that greatness is not often born at the head of armies or standing before large gatherings of people. I have learned that it is only rarely manifested in grandiose words or bold action and that it has little to do with position or title or authority. Rather, true greatness most often comes from small turnings within the soul, in quiet ways, in actions that the world will little note. Greatness is around us, below us. It is not often above us. We need to reach down for greatness, where the small things are at our feet. It comes in small, simple words and sublime magnanimity.”
Donald S. Smurthwaite
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“Kindness lives. It is real and tangible and it lives somewhere and will always be there. Kindness and love is matter and cannot be destroyed, but it can be recalled and found over and over again. It's out there. It lives.”
Donald S. Smurthwaite
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