Donatien Alphonse François de Sade photo

Donatien Alphonse François de Sade

A preoccupation with sexual violence characterizes novels, plays, and short stories that Donatien Alphonse François, comte de Sade but known as marquis de Sade, of France wrote. After this writer derives the word sadism, the deriving of sexual gratification from fantasies or acts that involve causing other persons to suffer physical or mental pain.

This aristocrat, revolutionary politician, and philosopher exhibited famous libertine lifestyle.

His works include dialogues and political tracts; in his lifetime, he published some works under his own name and denied authorship of apparently anonymous other works. His best erotic works combined philosophical discourse with pornography and depicted fantasies with an emphasis on criminality and blasphemy against the Catholic Church. Morality, religion or law restrained not his "extreme freedom." Various prisons and an insane asylum incarcerated the aristocrat for 32 years of his life: ten years in the Bastile, another year elsewhere in Paris, a month in Conciergerie, two years in a fortress, a year in Madelonnettes, three years in Bicêtre, a year in Sainte-Pélagie, and 13 years in the Charenton asylum. During the French revolution, people elected this criminal as delegate to the National Convention. He wrote many of his works in prison.

“Non, Thérèse, non, il n’est point de Dieu, la nature se suffit à elle-même ; elle n’a nullement besoin d’un auteur, cet auteur supposé n’est qu’une décomposition de ses propres forces”
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
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“Você diz que minha maneira de pensar não pode ser aprovada. O que me importa? Bem louco é quem adota a maneira de pensar dos outros! Ela é fruto das minhas reflexões, deve-se á minha existência, à minha organização; não sou senhor de mudá-la, e, se fosse, não o faria. Essa maneira de pensar que você reprova é o único consolo de minha vida. Não foi a minha maneira de pensar que me desgraçou. O homem sensato que despreza o preconceito dos tolos necessariamente torna-se inimigo dos tolos; que se fie disto e caçoe destes. Um viajante segue numa bela estrada por onde espalharam armadilhas; cai numa delas. A quem a culpa, ao viajante ou ao celerado que as armou? Logo, se, como você diz, colocam minha liberdade a preço do sacrifício de meus princípios ou gostos, podemos nos dizer um eterno adeus, pois antes deles, sacrificaria mil vidas e mil liberdades se as tivesse. Taís princípios e gostos são levados por mim ao fanatismo, e éobra das perseguições dos meus tiranos. Quanto mais me atormentarem, mais enraizarão meus princípios no peito. E declaro abertamente jamais ser necessário me falarem de liberdade, se esta só me for oferecida pelo preço da destruição de meus princípios. Nem diante do cadafalso mudaria de idéia.”
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
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“I've already told you: the only way to a woman's heart is along the path of torment. I know none other as sure.”
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
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“Oh, there are plenty of people," the Duc used to observe, "who never misbehave save when passion spurs them to ill; later, the fire gone out of them, their now calm spirit peacefully returns to the path of virtue and, thus passing their life going from strife to error and from error to remorse, they end their days in such a way there is no telling just what roles they have enacted on earth. Such persons," he would continue, "must surely be miserable: forever drifting, continually undecided, their entire life is spent detesting in the morning what they did the evening before. Certain to repent of the pleasures they taste, they take their delight in quaking, in such sort they become at once virtuous in crime and criminal in virtue.”
Donatien Alphonse François de Sade
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