D.S. Cahr has been a writer, a musician, a music journalist, a columnist for Punk Planet, an occasional contributor to McSweeney's, an intellectual property attorney, a blogger, and the type of annoying person who dresses up in movie-accurate costumes for Star Wars conventions. He is the author of The Secret Root and Time to Change. More importantly, Cahr is currently hard at work on book three of "The Mesh Chronicles."
His Amazon author page can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00IW4CN8I
You should also consider following The Secret Root on twitter (@thesecretroot) or liking the Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/#!/TheSecretRoot) or visiting the blog (http://thesecretroot.tumblr.com). If you do, it will prevent the deaths of adorable puppies and kittens.
“We should never become so enamored with the future that we forget the value of the past.Alyssa Rosenberg”