Dwayne Hunn photo

Dwayne Hunn

Here’s a glimpse of who I am:

Resume http://peopleslobby.us/more-projects/...

Here are some big picture issues that grab my time and attention

People’s Lobby's American World Service Corps (AWSC) National Service Congressional Proposal (Proposed legislation) or paste


People’s Lobby's Fair Tax Bracket Reinstitution Congressional Proposal or paste


People's Lobby's Joint Peace Corps Congressional Proposal or paste http://peopleslobby.us/awsc/aspc

Link below leads to the non-profit that I direct and through which the above issues and more are addressed:


These links leads to coverage of some of the above issues:

Print, TV, Radio, PowerPoint Coverage of AWSC proposals.



Another side of me likes partying, dancing, travelling – although on some of those travels I like mixing in Habitat Builds domestically and abroad in such places as Sri Lanka, Fiji, Haiti, Ethiopia, Costa Rica.

My most recent books are:

Every Town Needs a Castle (Newest book)

Ordinary People Doing the Extraordinary: The Story of Ed and Joyce Koupal and the Initiative Process (In Ralph Nader’s 2009 Top Ten Books to Read List)

“Westering's died out, Jody.”
Dwayne Hunn
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