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Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is a teacher, author, and entrepreneur. He is a German-born resident of Canada best known as the author of The Power of Now and A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. Tolle does not identify with any specific religion, but he has been influenced by multiple spiritual works.

“To offer no resistance to life is to be in a state of grace, ease, and lightness. This state is then no longer dependent upon things being in a certain way, good or bad. It seems almost paradoxical, yet when your inner dependency on form is gone, the general conditions of your life, the outer forms, tend to improve greatly. Things, people, or conditions that you thought you needed for your happiness now come to you with no struggle or effort on your part, and you are free to enjoy and appreciate them - while they last. All those things, of course, will still pass away, cycles will come and go, but with dependency gone there is no fear of loss anymore. Life flows with ease.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The brain does not create consciousness, but conciousness created the brain, the most complex physical form on earth, for its expression.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Authentic human interactions become impossible when you lose yourself in a role.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Defining yourself through thought is limiting yourself.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Accept - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The moment you become aware of the ego in you, it is strictly speaking no longer the ego, but just an old, conditioned mind-pattern. Ego implies unawareness. Awareness and ego cannot coexist.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Nothing has ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Each person's life – each lifeform,in fact – represents a world, aunique way in which the universe experiences itself.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Whenever you become anxious or stressed, outer purpose has taken over, and you lost sight of your inner purpose. You have forgotten that your state of consciousness is primary, all else secondary.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“You may remember the paradox of time we mentioned earlier:Whatever you do takes time, and yet it is always now. So while your innerpurpose is to negate time, your outer purpose necessarily involves future andso could not exist without time. But it is always secondary. Whenever youbecome anxious or stressed, outer purpose has taken over, and you lost sightof your inner purpose. You have forgotten that your state of consciousness isprimary, all else secondary.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun is not selective. It does not make one person special. It is not exclusive. Exclusivity is not the love of God but the "love" ofego. However, the intensity with which true love is felt can vary. There may be one person who reflects your love back to you more clearly and more intensely than others, and if that person feels the same toward you, it can be said that you are in a love relationship with him or her. The bond that connects you with that person is the same bond that connects you with the person sitting next to you on a bus, or with a bird, a tree, a flower. Only the degree of intensity with which it is felt differs.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“What will be left of all the fearing and wanting associated with your problematic life situation that every day takes up most of your attention? A dash, one or two inches long, between the date of birth and date of death on your gravestone.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Inner resistance to whatever arises in the present moment pulls you back into unconsciousness. Inner resistance is some form of negativity, complaining, fear, aggression, or anger. This is important because whenever you complain about what somebody else does you're already beginning to fall into that trap of unconsciousness.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Deny thy self!”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The foundation of greatness is honoring the small things of the present moment, instead of pursuing the idea of greatness.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“You have so much to learn from your enemies.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The pas has no power to stop you from being present now. Only your grievance about the past can do that.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Life isn't as serious as my mind makes it out to be.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out the present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love - even the most simple action.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not “the thinker.” The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated. You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the Universe to unfold. That is how important you are!”
Eckhart Tolle
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“A genuine relationship is one that is not dominated by the ego with its image-making and self-seeking. In a genuine relationship, there is an outward flow of open, alert attention toward the other person in which there is no wanting whatsoever.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The ego wants to want more than it wants to have.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Man Made 'God' in his own image. The eternal, the infinate, the unnameable was reduced to a mental idol that you had to believe in and worship as 'my god' or 'our god'.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“If you identify with a mental position, then if you are wrong, your mind-based sense of self is seriously threatened with annihilation. So you as the ego cannot afford to be wrong. To be wrong is to die. Wars have been fought over this, and countless relationships have broken down.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“In the eyes of the ego, self-esteem and humility are contradictory. In truth, they are one and the same.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what it is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“All problems are illusions of the mind.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“True Power is within, and it is available now.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a joyous energy behind what you do.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“All you realy need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“You become most powerful in whatever you do if the action is performed for its own sake rather than as a means to protect, enhance, or conform to your role identity.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“This is my secret," he said. "I don't mind what happens.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“...the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whaterver form. Both are illusions.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The quicker you are in attaching verbal or mental labels to things, people, or situations, the more shallow and lifeless your reality becomes, and the more deadened you become to reality”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Anything that you resent and strongly react to in another is also in you.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“What a liberation to realize that the “voice in my head” is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The significance is hiding in the insignificant. Appreciate everything.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Only the truth of who you are, if realized, will set you free.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“A significant portion of the earth's population will soon recognize, if they haven't already done so, that humanity is now faced with a stark choice: Evolve or die.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Words reduce reality to something the human mind can grasp, which isn’t very much.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its own dysfunction.”
Eckhart Tolle
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“Don't Seek Happiness. If you seek it, you won't find it, because seeking is the antithesis of happiness”
Eckhart Tolle
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“One thing we do know: Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.”
Eckhart Tolle
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