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Eddie Whitlock

My father opened a gas station and a beer store in the 1960s. He started selling beer on Sunday - which was illegal - and it was that bootlegging that put me through college.

Having a face made for radio, I worked off and on in broadcasting for several years. I have taught high school and adult literacy. I have directed non-profit organizations when the economy was better.

My writing has included a series of satirical plays for the Camelot Theatre Company of Griffin, Georgia.

EVIL IS ALWAYS HUMAN is my first novel. I have three works in progress. One is an alternate history tale of a socialist America, another is a horror story collection and the last is a suspense tale of a biological weapon gone awry.

My father and my maternal grandmother were both wonderful story tellers and I learned from them. Southern gothic stories were never "southern gothic" to them; they were just life.

“Toward the end, a band that had a young fellow from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—I remember on account of him saying it two or three times and laughing every time that he did—played a song called 'All She Gets from the Iceman is Ice.' It made the grown folks, most of them anyway, howl laughing. I don’t think I ever seen Mama laugh so hard. When it was about over, the sheriff come up and made them stop playing it, but he was grinning, too, so I figured he was just making them stop as part of the show.”
Eddie Whitlock
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“We ate our fill, but there was more left when we was done. 'It’ll be in the icebox if y’all want some more later on,' she told us. There weren’t no way I would have gone back and eat more. I knowed they was being extra nice to us right then, but if we didn’t act right, they would put us out. That’s how folks do.”
Eddie Whitlock
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“A hanging, though, was something different. I got to thinking. We hadn’t never been to nothing just to have a good time. A hanging was special and we was all getting to go.”
Eddie Whitlock
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“There are two political truisms: Old people vote and Republicans eat their young.”
Eddie Whitlock
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