The origins of life, in the metaphysical sense, began with the creation of the celestial beings. According to Edgar Cayce’s readings of the Akashic Record, first came the Son, the Logos, or the Word -- as indicated in John’s Gospel: “In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Out of the Word or this central primordial expression of life, all else was created. Again in John’s Gospel: “All things were made through this One.” In Cayce’s readings: “We have first the Son, then the other sons or celestial beings that are given their force and power.” Evil and the forces of what humanity has called the Devil developed as a result of rebellion against the flow of creation, the harmony of the original ideal that all life was to follow. Cayce puts it this way (note: the emphasis and parentheses are Cayce’s)
Edgar Cayce has been called the "sleeping prophet," the "father of holistic medicine," and the most documented psychic of the 20th century. For more than 40 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic "readings" to thousands of seekers while in an unconscious state, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come.
“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”
“In every person of whatever station look not for things to criticize, but for something you adore in your Creator.”
“There will be a shifting of the poles. There will be upheavals in the Arctic and the Antarctic that will make fotr the eruption of volcanos in the Torrid areas... The upper portion of Europe will be changed in the blink of an eye. The earth will be broken up in the western portion of America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.”
“If you learn music you'll learn most all there is to know.”
“Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions.”
“There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us,it doesn't behoove any of us to speak evil of the rest of us”
“Great numbers of children will be born who understand electronics and atomic power as well as other forms of energy. They will grow into scientists and engineers of a new age which has the power to destroy civilization unless we learn to live by spiritual laws.”