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Edith Bouvier Beale

“It's the worst thing that ever happened to anybody in America!”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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“Mother wanted me to come out in a kimono, so we had quite a fight.”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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“I don't think there's any point in meeting anybody who doesn't like music.”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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“I'm pulverized by this latest thing!”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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“This is the best thing to wear for today, you understand. Because I don't like women in skirts and the best thing is to wear pantyhose or some pants under a short skirt, I think. Then you have the pants under the skirt and then you can pull the stockings up over the pants underneath the skirt. And you can always take off the skirt and use it as a cape. So I think this is the best costume for today.”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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“I tell you if there's anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman... S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There's nothing worse, I'm telling you. They don't weaken, no matter what.”
Edith Bouvier Beale
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