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Edna Stewart

I write because, I want all human beings to discover their true self and path in life. These are my deepest thoughts and my own expressions. Writing and the arts truly makes the world go around. Love of self and love of others last forever. I vowed to paint my own canvas in life.

Author Edna Stewart is a Published/ freelancer, songwriter, author and artist. She attended the Harriette Austin's Writers Conference, 2008 and 2011 University of Georgia. Author Edna Stewart is a lifelong learner.

“little birdy fly's away from the nest on its own and comes back with one twig and you invite it back in, it will bring more!”
Edna Stewart
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“There are no Rules in Art . . .Only Creativity”
Edna Stewart
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“Hard work always pays off in the eyes of a God that never sleeps. . . . Who's always near and never far”
Edna Stewart
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“Where would we be without the success of our mothers?”
Edna Stewart
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“As one looks with the beautiful eyes upon a soul . . . Only God is perfect”
Edna Stewart
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“..... As one looks with the beatiful eyes upon a soul . . Only God is perfect."-Edna Stewart”
Edna Stewart
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“An allusion is something we refuse to see, but we see what we want to see....”
Edna Stewart
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“It's not the error in the book, it's the thought that counts.”
Edna Stewart
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“Life is not sugar coated.”
Edna Stewart
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