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Ednah Walters

Her award-winning, International Bestselling YA Paranormal Romance—Runes Series—started with Runes and has a total of 6 books to date. The last one, Witches, released in March 2015, was a Readers Choice Awards winner. Her most recent addition is Demons, A Runes Companion Novel (Eirik Book 1). Demons is the story of Raines best friend and former crush Eirik Seville.

Her international bestselling YA Urban Fantasy series, The Guardian Legacy Series, focuses on the Nephilim, children of the fallen angels. The series started with Awakened and has a total of 4 books to date. The latest Forgotten was released in June 2015.

She also writes Contemporary Romance as E.B. Walters-from The Fitzgerald Family series and Infinitus Billionaires series.

Whether she’s writing about Valkyries, Norns, and Grimnirs, or Guardians, Demons, and Archangels, love, family, and friendship play crucial roles in all her books.

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“Live, Love and Die in Glory', meaning live and love like it's your last time and if your going down, take as many douchebags with you as possible. And I'm not talking about Demons. Archangels just replaced demons at the top of the 'douchebags' list.”
Ednah Walters
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“We have a license to kill and we make black look good.”
Ednah Walters
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“I vow right here and now that you, Bran Llyr are my chosen mate. With the sun, stars, the waters, the air and the earth as my witnesses, I will love you through eternity.”
Ednah Walters
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“He was a badass when badassness was called for”
Ednah Walters
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“„I bet she's hot,” Sykes said. „Most demonesses are total babes,” He and Remy bumped first.I shook my head. They really had one-track minds. „She's okay, if you like big boobs and girls who curse like sailors.”„Me like.. me like,” Sykes said, bobbing up and down.I glared at him. „Too bad. Next time we meet, I'm vanquishing her.”Izzy grinned. „That's the spirit.”
Ednah Walters
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“Sweetie, she-warriors don"t scream. We wow our men with a look, tame them with a smile.”
Ednah Walters
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“Yours always, Mine Forever.”
Ednah Walters
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“You see, Bran Llyr is now one of us, a Cardinal Guardian.”
Ednah Walters
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“I battle demons everyday to save the souls of Guardians. Why can't I fight for Mine?”
Ednah Walters
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“Is that for me to do my work as the Chosen One, I need Bran to help me. So you must find a way to help him save his wings, or he stays here with us as a demon. If you force him to leave, I leaving with him. If he goes, I go, too.”
Ednah Walters
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“Then I'll find another solution. You and I are alrunes, Lil Falcon. You'll never lose me.”
Ednah Walters
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“Yes. Because I love you, and everything I do is to protect you.”
Ednah Walters
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“I don't want to fight...it's my fault...I love you...I always will...”
Ednah Walters
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“I love you, and I always will, no matter what happens to me.”
Ednah Walters
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“One step, and I'll mummify you, Dante.”
Ednah Walters
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“He was more anal than usual tonight. I asked him a simple question and he nearly bit off my head.”
Ednah Walters
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“How I loved him. Wih every cell in my body and every breath I took. Thank goodness he was there today to share my worst moment and joke about it.”
Ednah Walters
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“I was having a little fun, Kim. Try it sometime”
Ednah Walters
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“He's a jerk."“No Luminista. He's a young man who loves you but doesn't know how to treat you right yet. You have to show him how. Show him that you can take what he dishes out without crumbling. That you're beautiful and strong, and he should lift you up, not tear you down.”
Ednah Walters
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“No Luminista. He's a young man who loves you but doesn't know how to treat you right yet. You have to show him how. Show him that you can take what he dishes out without crumbling. That you're beautiful and strong, and he should lift you up, not tear you down.”
Ednah Walters
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“Can I flirt with another guy to make him jealous?""Oh no." She laughed, still holding my hands. "That will unleash something you can't handle. You don't mess with men that way.”
Ednah Walters
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“Can't we kidnap Old Jethro, force him to help us, then vanquish him and the healer?"Bran choked on his drink.”
Ednah Walters
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“I like to think of birthdays as celebrating life.""Only losers acknowledge they survived a year and hope they cheat death again.”
Ednah Walters
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“Kim's gripe with humans was nothing new. She, like the rest of the Guardians, put her life on the line every time she faced demons and was entitles to her own opinion. Sometimes I wish she would tall in love with a human. That would shut her up.”
Ednah Walters
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“Ever heard of the word please?""Never.”
Ednah Walters
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“Can you imagine a demon auction? Serial killer going once...twice...sold to the drama queen at the corner.”
Ednah Walters
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