Eduardo Halfon was born in 1971 in Guatemala City. He studied Industrial Engineering at North Carolina State University, and later was professor of Literature at Universidad Francisco Marroquín, in Guatemala.
In 2011 he received a Guggenheim Fellowship to work on continuing the story of The Polish Boxer, which is the first of his novels to be published in English, by Bellevue Literary Press in the U.S. and Pushkin Press in the U.K.
His novels include Esto no es una pipa, Saturno; De cabo roto; El ángel literario; El boxeador polaco; and La pirueta, which won the José María de Pereda Prize for Short Novel in Santander, Spain. His short fiction has been published in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, Serbian, and Dutch. He has taught literature at Guatemala; in 2007 the Bogotá Hay Festival listed him as one of “39 best young Latin American writers.”
“A story is nothing but a lie. An illusion. And that illusion only works if we trust in it.”
“O anjo literário - anjo caído, talvez luciferino, mas anjo, no fim de contas - não tem horários fixos, nem momentos planificados. Voa por cima de um infeliz qualquer quando lhe apetece e ponto. Às vezes, esse anjo é perceptível. Às vezes, disfarça-se. Às vezes, o seu voo é tão fugaz e silencioso que nunca ninguém ficou a saber que passou por ali, espargindo palavras mágicas sobre uma qualquer vítima e deixando legiões de futuros leitores na perplexidade absoluta, porém, felizes.”
“O perigo de penetrar apaixonadamente no mundo dos livros é o de nos tornarmos, nós próprios, no aglomerado de pequenos excertos literários.”