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Eduardo Hughes Galeano

Eduardo Galeano was a Uruguayan journalist, writer and novelist. His best known works are Memoria del fuego (Memory of Fire Trilogy, 1986) and Las venas abiertas de América Latina (Open Veins of Latin America, 1971) which have been translated into twenty languages and transcend orthodox genres: combining fiction, journalism, political analysis, and history.

The author himself has proclaimed his obsession as a writer saying, "I'm a writer obsessed with remembering, with remembering the past of America above all and above all that of Latin America, intimate land condemned to amnesia."

He has received the International Human Rights Award by Global Exchange (2006) and the Stig Dagerman Prize (2010).

“The Revolution is indeed living thorough the hard times of transition and sacrifice. The Cubans themselves have learned that socialism is built with clenched teeth and that revolution is no evening stroll. But afterall, if the future came on a platter, it would not be of this world.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“The Revolution, after discovering that it had confused the knife with the assassin, turned sugar, which had been responsible for underdevelopment, into an instrument of development. There was no alternative, born of Cuba's incorporation into the world market, to break the spine of that monoculture and dependence.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Here," an old sugar worker told me, "the people have a great love for martyrs--but only after they're dead. Before, there's nothing but complaints.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Cuba,” he said in his resounding defense plea, “continues to be a producer of raw materials. We exhort sugar to import candy, we export hides to import shoes, we export iron to import plows.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Grown on a grand scale, sugar spreads its blight on a grand scale and today unemployment and poverty are these islands' permanent guests.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“The food of the minority is the hunger of the majority.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Bacteria and viruses were the most effective allies.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Latin America is the region of open veins. Everything from the discovery until our times, has always been transmuted into European--or later--United States-- capital, and as such has accumulated on distant centers of power. Everything: the soil, its fruits nad its mineral-rich depths, the people and their capacity to work and to consume, natural resources and human resources.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“In our day, this global offensive plays a well-defines role. Its aim is to justify te very unequal income distribution between countries and social elates, to convince the poor that poverty is the result of the children they don't avoid having, and to dam the rebellious advance of the masses.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Development develops inequality.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Along the way we have even lost the right to call ourselves Americans, although the Haitians and the Cubans appeared in history as new people a century befire the Mayflower pilgrims settled on the Plymouth coast. For the world today, America is just the United States; the region we inhabit is a sub-America, a second-class America of nebulous identity.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Cada persona brilla con luz propia entre todas las demás. No hay dos fuegos iguales. Hay fuegos grandes y fuegos chicos y fuegos de todos los colores. Hay gente de fuego sereno, que ni se entera del viento, y gente de fuego loco, que llena el aire de chispas. Algunos fuegos, fuegos bobos, no alumbran ni queman; pero otros arden de vida con tantas ganas que no se puede mirarlos sin parpadear, y quien se acerca se enciende".”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“El sacrilegio (1496).Bartolomé Colón, hermano y lugarteniente de Cristóbal, asiste al incendio de carne humana.Seis hombres estrenan el quemadero de Haití. EL humo hace toser. Los seis están ardiendo por castigo y escarmiento: han hundido bajo tierra las imágenes de Cristo y la Virgen que fray Ramón Pané les había dejado para su protección y consuelo. Fray Ramón les había enseñado a orar de rodillas, a decir Avemaría y Paternóster y a invocar el nombre de Jesús ante la tentación, la lastimadura y la muerte.Nadie les ha preguntado por qué enterraron las imágenes. Ellos esperaban que los nuevos dioses fecundaran las siembras de maíz, yuca, boniatos y fríjoles. El fuego agrega calor al calor húmedo, pegajoso, anunciador de lluvia fuerte.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“El sacrilegio (1946)Bartolomé Colón, hermano y lugarteniente de Cristóbal, asiste al incendio de carne humana.Seis hombres estrenan el quemadero de Haití. EL humo hace toser. Los seis están ardiendo por castigo y escarmiento: han hundido bajo tierra las imágenes de Cristo y la Virgen que fray Ramón Panè les había dejado para su protección y consuelo. Fray Ramón les había enseñado a orar de rodillas, a decir Avemaría y Paternóster y a invocar el nombre de Jesús ante la tentación, la lastimadura y la muerte.Nadie les ha preguntado por qué enterraron las imágenes. Ellos esperaban que los nuevos dioses fecundaran las siembras de maíz, yuca, boniatos y fríjoles. El fuego agrega calor al calor húmedo, pegajoso, anunciador de lluvia fuerte.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“De tiempo somos.Somos sus pies y sus bocas.Los pies del tiempo caminan en nuestros pies.A la corta o a la larga, ya se sabe, los vientos del tiempo borrarán las huellas.¿Travesía de la nada, pasos de nadie? Las bocas del tiempo cuentan el viaje.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“As coisas caem dos meus bolsos e da minha memória: perco chaves, canetas, dinheiro, documentos, nomes, caras, palavras... Eu ando de perda em perda, perco o que encontro, não encontro o que busco, e sinto medo de que numa dessas distrações acabe deixando a vida cair.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Años más tarde aprenderé que un cuerpo vacío de vida no es la muerte. Un cuerpo vacío de vida es nada más que un cuerpo vacío de vida. Sabré que la muerte está en la vida, como fin anunciado de la gente que uno quiere y las experiencias que lo hacen a uno feliz: que asoma, como la transpiración, por los poros. Que un cadáver es el único cuerpo donde la muerte no está.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“For sailors who love the wind, memory is a good port of departure.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“La historia es un profeta con la mirada vuelta hacia atrás: por lo que fue, y contra lo que fue, anuncia lo que será.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Serán reforestados los desiertos del mundo y los desiertos del alma;Los desesperados serán esperados y los perdidos serán encontrados, porque ellos son los que se desesperaron de tanto esperar y los que se perdieron de tanto buscar. (El derecho al delirio)”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Hay criminales que proclaman tan campantes ‘la maté porque era mía’, así no más, como si fuera cosa de sentido común y justo de toda justicia y derecho de propiedad privada, que hace al hombre dueño de la mujer. Pero ninguno, ninguno, ni el más macho de los supermachos tiene la valentía de confesar ‘la maté por miedo’, porque al fin y al cabo el miedo de la mujer a la violencia del hombre es el espejo del miedo del hombre a la mujer sin miedo.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“If thats how it was done, and thats how it had always been done, there had to be a reason”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“The dreams were off on a trip. Helena went as far as the train station with them. She bade them farewell from the platform, waving a handkerchief”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Helena dreamed about the keepers of the fire. The poorest old women had stored it away in suburban kitchens and had only to blow very gently on their palms to rekindle the flame”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“All I know is this: art is art, or it's shit”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Because every single one of us has something to say to the others, something that deserves to be celebrated or forgiven by others”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“If the grape is made of wine, then perhaps we are the words that tell who we are”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“The world,' he revealed, 'is a heap of people, a sea of tiny flames.'Each person shines with his or her own light. No two flames are alike. There are big flames and little flames, flames of every colour. Some peoples flames are so still they don't even flicker in the wind, while others have wild flames that fill the air with sparks. Some foolish flames neither burn nor shed light, but others blaze with life so fiercely that you can't look at them without blinking and if you approach, you shine in fire.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Recordar: To remember; from the Latin records, to pass back through the heart”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“I would recognise myself in each of his translations and he would feel betrayed and annoyed whenever I didn't write something the way he would have. A part of me died with him, a part of him lives with me.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“الموظفون لا يعملونالسياسيون يتحدثون لكنهم لا يقولون شيئاالأصوات تصوت لكنها لا تنتخبوسائل الإعلام تشوه المعلومات المدارس تعلّم الجهلالقضاة يعاقبون الضحاياالجيش يشن الحرب ضد مواطني بلدهلا يكافح رجال الشرطة الجريمة لأنهم مشغولون جداّ بارتكابهاالإفلاسات تصبح مجتمعية بينما الأرباح تجعل خاصةالنقود أكثر حرية من البشرالبشر هم في خدمة الأشياء”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Our defeat was always implicit in the victory of others; our wealth has always generated our poverty by nourishing the prosperity of others - the empires and their native overseers. In the colonial and neocolonial alchemy, gold changes into scrap metal and food into poison.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“Si le niegan la boca, ella habla por las manos, o por los ojos, o por los poros, o por donde sea.Porque todos, toditos tenemos algo que decir a los demas; alguna cosa que merece ser por los demas celebrada, o perdonada.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“For sailors with a desire for wind, memory is a good port of departure.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“I am not particularly interested insaving time; I prefer to enjoy it.”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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“I have never killed anybody, it is true, but it is because I lacked the courage or the time, not because I lacked the desire”
Eduardo Hughes Galeano
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