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E.E. Knight

“Knowledge is a funny thing, Auron. The more of it that's in your head, the more your head can hold. It breeds on its own. You never know what the next bit of reading is going to do, what it's going to meet up with in your head and mate.”
E.E. Knight
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“A Bad start is still a start by Tyr FaHazathant”
E.E. Knight
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“A hot lust for glory, gems, gold or mates,Leads reckless young drakes to the blackest of fates.”
E.E. Knight
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“The world was already a miserable place in the spring of that cursed year. The New Depression was at its height. Stocks fell, jobs were lost, and consumer consumption fell in a corporate death spiral as the aging technoczars were revealed to have feet of clay. Financial institutions underreacted, the government overreacted, and a society living on borrowed time paid for with borrowed dollars failed. Hard times and hunger came to the Western world, which was all the more of a shock because the generation that survived the last financial collapse had virtually died out.”
E.E. Knight
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