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Elaine Seiler

Elaine is a Writer, Facilitator, and Coach, specializing in the field of Energetics and Evolution. She recently released Multi-Dimensional YOU and Your Multi-Dimensional Workbook - available now from http://www.transformationenergetics.com/

Elaine is a dedicated Energy Worker. In 1992, after 20 years of work as a career consultant and Life Planning Coach, she discovered Energetics, or the study and use of Multi-Dimensional Energies and their interplay with life on earth. She now focuses full-time on this expanded reality.

A global citizen, Elaine travels extensively, following her inner guidance as to where to be, what to do in any specific location and when to be there. She currently spends most of her time in American, Australia and France.

FREE 40 Minute Training Video. A life changing webinar that can shift you to a new level of awareness, and free you from many problems by lifting you beyond the level of consciousness at which you created them. Click this link to learn more.


“From time to time the by-products of using your inner energy worker will result in your experiencing odd sensations, seeming illnesses, unusual pimples or rashes, and unexpected emotional responses. Remember - these physical and emotional reactions are the by-products of the work you are doing. Release your anxiety over their occurrence and remind yourself they will be short-lived, do not reflect an aging or ill body, but are rather normal responses of a reflective energetic being.”
Elaine Seiler
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“In the newly evolving multi-dimensional world, we are all one and we are one with our environments.”
Elaine Seiler
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Elaine Seiler
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“Human kind gradually begins to remove the blinders from their consciousness about life, about what is real and what is not. Intuition and psychic abilities increase.”
Elaine Seiler
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“The key to understanding the answer to any questions about guidance is having a clear grasp of what is three-dimensional.”
Elaine Seiler
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“As one moves along the evolutionary pathways and one's frequencies become more and more rapid, the old ways of conducting business cease to work or cease to function easily and smoothly. New guidelines are essential.”
Elaine Seiler
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“Energy doesn't communicate in English, French, Chinese or Swahili, but it does speak clearly”
Elaine Seiler
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“Sometimes the signs and signals of the non-language speaking world are not very clear. Then we have to walk in trust, move forward step by small step, until we are sure of the proper path.”
Elaine Seiler
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“The universe will use any vehicle and any medium to communicate with us. Our job is to be alert and to listen.”
Elaine Seiler
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“Nothing is static, Energetic frequencies are changing all the time. We, and everything in our world, are made of energy and as such, we too are changing---with or without our awareness.”
Elaine Seiler
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