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Elizabeth Boyle

Elizabeth Boyle is the New York Times bestselling author of 27 historical romance novels and several novellas. Her first novel, Brazen Angel, won Dell's Diamond Debut Award and the Romance Writers of America's RITA Award for Best First Book. Her books are called "fast-paced," "adventurous," and "funny."

Not sure where to begin? If you love adventure, try THIS RAKE OF MINE or ONE NIGHT OF PASSION.


Want a little magic in your romance? Try HIS MISTRESS BY MORNING.

When not writing, Elizabeth enjoys knitting, gardening, travel and reading a wide variety of stories. She lives with her family in Seattle.

Sign up for her weekly newsletter, Five Things for Friday on her website. A weekly roundup of books, shows, and things to cook or laugh over, her readers love this weekly laugh.

“Your eyes are the shade of intelligence, able to pierce a man’s heart with merely a glance. As they have done so to mine.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Tremont ailesinin sloganı her ne kadar ''Adil ol ve korkma'' olsa da Jack buna kendi inandığı bir cümleyide eklemişti: Kızıllardan Uzak DUR! Lanetli ayartıcılar, gizemli yaratıklar, cehennemden onun sonunu getirmek için gönderilmişlerdi. ♥”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Right now I would welcome the most wicked baron who ever lived if he could save me from my aunt and her plans," Minerva declared.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Don't you think Lady Standon deserves a man who sets her heart afire? Don't you deserve the same?"She leaned forward and poked him in the chest. Actually stabbed her finger into his coat as if he were a chicken on the spit. Rather like Lady Standon's harridan of a housekeeper."I would think," she said, "a man in your position would want more. So much more."More? Whatever did that mean? More?He had no idea what she was talking about.But in a flash he had a devilish inkling of what she meant.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“What an excellent idea, Parkerton," Miranda agreed. "For then you can continue on with your life without a single inconvenience. You can just shake off the dustcovers and everything will be perfectly ordered once again.""And what is wrong with that?" he asked, his ire finally getting the better of him.Miranda came to stand before him. "Because you'll never know the most important thing about marriage."He crossed his arms over his chest. "Which would be?""Why she married you.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Mr. St. Maur will help me make a most excellent match. Perhaps you should retain him as well."Minerva shook her head at the pair of them. "A man will have to fall out of the sky and into my bedroom before I marry him.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Enough, Aunt Josephine," Jack said, cutting her off, ignoring the stubborn light in her eyes. Oh, she was a Tremont all right, and one of the "mad" Tremonts at that, but she was no longer in charge of this house.He was. And it was about time he took the reins of this manor and ran it as he saw fit."There will be no next time," he told her."But Jack, my dear boy--"He rose from Miranda's side. "There will be no next time. For any of you. I have had enough of seeing my friends, my family, let alone the woman I love risk life, limb, and for what?" He paced the room. "There will never be an end to this if something isn't done, so I am ending it. Here and now.""But Jack--" Miranda protested.He swung around on her. "And not a word from you. Do you think I want my wife risking her life on such an improper fashion?""You love me?" she whispered."Yes," he barked at her.She grinned up at him. "You want to marry me?""Should have years ago." He paced back and forth. "I lost you once, Miranda, I shall not lose you again." He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at everyone in the room, daring them to defy him.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Don't you think it's odd that all of a sudden Lord John had to go attend to business? I mean, it is ten o'clock at night." Her hands went to her hips."Yes. Felicity, it is odd, but you have to consider the other key element in which you miscalculated."The girl's head snapped around. "What?""You are dealing with a man. And they are neither predictable nor reliable.""Bother them all," Felicity complained."Hold onto that sentiment until you find the right one to bother," Miranda advised.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“So she hadn't completely lost her sense of propriety -- and for some reason he was glad of that. Yet even as he looked at her, there was that mischievous sparkle in her eyes again despite her protest.A sparkle. An odd light as incongruous as her red hair.No, he was imagining things. But where was the expected admonishment on propriety, the lecture on proper restraint? Just when he thought he understood the lady, knew how to knot up her corset strings and keep her at sixes and sevens, she'd turned the tide on him.What had she said? You are not a man easily understood.Perhaps she understood him better than he'd given her credit for.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Never hide your light, for how else is a man to notice you? Your spark, your fire, is your most cherished possession.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“That did it. With his masculine pride completely trampled beneath her sturdy and practical heel, Jack made a vow. The moment this ends, I am going straight up to London to cut a swath through Society that will ensure my place in history alongside Casanova and every other great rake. There won't be a woman's heart safe from my charms.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Lord John, do stop gaping. A woman can possess a mind. If men gave more countenance to what ladies thought, the world would be a much more prosperous place.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“She started to rise, for she feared Dash might become angry, lose his temper as he had before with Finn, but this Dash, this man who was struggling to find his footing, planted his feet solidly on the deck."She married someone else, Finn," he said quietly. "There was no battle to fight once she'd done that. I'd lost, and sometimes when you lose, there is nothing you can do but move on."Finn sighed and shook his head, the arguments and problems of adults far beyond his ken, but he still persisted, struggling to understand. "Did you?""Did I what?""Move on? After you lost her?"Again, Dash shook his head. "Nay, I didn't. Not at all.""'Cause you loved her?"Dash looked away. "Aye. Without her, I lost my course and sailed about the seas rather like the Dutchman.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Pippin?""Yes, Dash?""How did we get here?""Aboard this ship?" she teased. "Nate ordered the sails raised and then --""Very funny," he said, cutting her off. "You know what I mean. Here. To this place.""Oh, this place," she said, her face growing solemn. "I've wondered that as well, and all I can think of is that we are like our stars.""How so?""You and I are the two outer stars, and the one between us is everything that keeps us apart."He set his lips together and gazed out at the waves. "Like this ocean," he offered.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“He snuggled her up against his chest, let his warmth surround her. "This is my favorite time of day. Just before the sun starts to rise. Before there is any hint of daylight. The stars always seem their brightest now, as if they know they only have another hour or so of life. For in that time they'll all be gone from sight, lost to the sun, and hidden away until night claims the world anew. So they shine their brightest while the world still sleeps.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“The storm has passed." He nodded toward the clearing skies. "The stars have come out." He paused and gazed upward. "I miss them when I'm not at sea. Out on the ocean they sparkle all around you. 'Tis like standing at the gates of heaven.""Sounds glorious.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Sometimes there is naught you can do for a man, save stand quietly beside him and believe. (Advice to Felicity Langley from her Nanny Rana)”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“She liked to scatter hope," Minerva said, taking his offering."Pardon?""Snowdrops. They represent hope. The first flowers in the spring. Hope for a new beginning." She took a sniff of the delicate blossoms and then shyly glanced over at him. "Perhaps you were meant to be here today. To find your hope.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“He said someday I would come home and regret ever leaving."She murmured something, perhaps her own remembrance of a place lost. "Do you?" she said after some time."Yes . . . I mean to say, no," he corrected. "Oh, bother, I don't know.""Don't fret over it. You can't get back the time you've lived, and all you have is what is before you," she said sagely."Egads, I find myself betrothed to a bluestocking," he teased. "Who was that, Aristotle?"She laughed. "No, Aunt Bedelia.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“There are things a man can’t undo, that a man can’t disavow. But time has a way of making one see what is important, what is necessary and how change isn’t always the bitter potion it is made out to be. – previous Duke of Hollindrake (grandfather to Thatcher, the tenth Duke of Hollindrake {hero})”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Friends are the balm that soothes the heart. – Nanny Tasha (former nanny to Felicity and Tally Langley)”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Hollindrake once wrote to me that the men who fight for a cause, a noble one, have more honor than any mere gentleman. – Felicity Langley (heroine)”
Elizabeth Boyle
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“Men make this great pretense of not wanting to be caught, but in the end they usually beg for a lady’s hand.”
Elizabeth Boyle
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