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Elizabeth C. Mock

“Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on you for tripping me as I run away.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“People prefer opinions to truth. They try to bend the world to fit their assumptions, instead of changing their assumptions to fit the world. -Mireya”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“I learned long ago not to restrict the world into what I believe to be possible, because that is precisely when the world surprises me.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“The world forgets. We always forget. We say that we won’t forget, but we do. We go about our lives, and the daily petty details wipe our memories of the things we should never forget.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“The Deoraghan celebrated anything that could be celebrated, because they never knew what tomorrow held. Caleb had never met any other people who categorically refused to live life with regrets. They loved passionately. They fought fervently. They laughed often. They drank even more often.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“Kade usually found humor in the absurdities in life, because life itself was absurd.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“Life is dynamic and always changing. Sometimes, you’ve got to be able to adapt your instructions to those changes in order to complete your mission.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“People like to accept answers that align with their own suspicions. They like answers that they don’t have to really consider before accepting, because they’re more concerned with the cares that are directly in front of them.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“You say cute. I say plague-carrying, sticky-fingered dirt monsters,” Sheridan said slapping Eve on the shoulder as she passed her to leave the room.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“Rafaela, we all hurt people." Tobias’ voice was sharp. "That’s universal. We’re all broken and those shards will cut those around us.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“You're talking like the choices others made were the only choices someone could make given the choices you made." Mireya paused. "I think.""That's quite a mouthful."“But it's what you're thinking. Yes, you made specific choices, bad ones too. But the choices others make, they make them. You don't. Just because you made the wrong choices, doesn't mean you deserved everything bad that happens to you. Don't you see?""Not all the consequences are bad, Mireya," Faela said her voice soft.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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“Information is not understanding,” Tobias replied, his light-hearted tone replaced with sobriety. “You can give information, but you can never give understanding.”
Elizabeth C. Mock
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