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Elizabeth Chadwick

Best selling historical novelist Elizabeth Chadwick won a Betty Trask Award for her first novel The Wild Hunt. She has been shortlisted for the UK's mainstream Best Romantic Novel of the Year Award 4 times and longlisted twice. Her novel The Scarlet Lion about the great William Marshal and his wife Isabelle de Clare, has been selected by Richard Lee, founder of the Historical Novel Society as one of the landmark historical novels of the last ten years.

When not at her desk, she can be found taking long walks with the dog, baking cakes, reading books (of course!) exploring ruins, listening to various brands of rock and metal music, and occasionally slaving over a steaming cauldron with re-enactment society Regia Anglorum.

“It alters you irrevocably when you reach 30 years old andsee a rip in the fabric of your dreams for every one of those years.Suddenly you're threadbare to the world.”
Elizabeth Chadwick
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“Grief was just the moment before you tied the thread and began the next one”
Elizabeth Chadwick
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“Chretien speaking to Dominic:'Magda is no ordinary young woman. There is a blood price on her head way beyond that upon any Cathar, indeed way beyond mine. I advise you most strongly to think with your head, not your loins.' 'I am thinking,' Dominic said softly, 'with my heart.”
Elizabeth Chadwick
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“Your enemies have neither the proof nor the backbone to stand against you, but say something often enough in vulnerable ears and incredulity turns to belief.”
Elizabeth Chadwick
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