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Elizabeth Chandler

Elizabeth Chandler is a pseudonym for Mary-Claire Helldorfer. She currently lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

“Good people were also capable of doing very bad things.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Every night she had fallen asleep dreaming about that kiss, and each kiss after.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“- Te Amo - susurró Tristan -. Te he amado desde el primer momento que te vi. Mi amor por ti jamás morirá. Es Eterno. Te lo juro aquí, a medio camino entre el Cielo y la Tierra.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“What do you do with your anger when the person you're mad at goes off and dies? Bury it? Bury it inside you?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Despite what I said about staying the way we were, I changed. I, who have always believed in speaking my mind and made it my mission to uncover the truth, have found myself keeping secrets. Sometimes life is more complicated than the simple rules we make for it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Ever notice how really smart people enjoy making silly jokes?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Carelessness, when it's continual, is as bad as intentional jerkiness.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Words are precious things meant to create, to imagine, to dream with.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Some people fall head over heels. Other people begin to fall without even knowing it—love grows like a spring flower beneath last autumn’s leaves and catches them by surprise.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Will:"You know, when two people narrowly escape falling to their deaths, they usually have something to talk about, Even if they hadn't met before that moment, they usually have something to sayto each other afterward. But you haven't said anything to me. I've been tryingto give you some time. I've been trying to give you some space. All I want is-"Ivy:"Thank you. Thank you for risking your life. Thank you for saving me.""That's not what I wanted! Gratitude is the last thing I-""Well, let me tell you what I want, Honesty.""When haven't I been honest? When?""I found your note, Will. I know you blackmailed Gregory. I didn't tell the police yet, but I will.""So tell them, go ahead! It's old news to them, but if you've got the note, it's one more piece for the police files. I just don't get- Wait a minute. Do you think- You couldn't really think I did that to make money, could you?""That's usually why people blackmail.""You think I'd betray you like that? Ivy I set up that blackmail--I got the Celentanos to help me out, and i videotaped it-so that i had something to take to the police." "Back in August when you were in the hospital, Gregory called me and told me you had tried to commit suicide. I couldn't believe it. I knew how much you missed Tristan, but I knew you were a fighter, too. I went to the train station that morning to look around and try to figure out what had gone through your head. As i was leaving I found the jacket and hat. I picked them up, but for weeks I didn't know how or even if they were connected to what had happened." "When school started I ran across some file photos of Tristan in the newspaper office. Suddenly I figured it out. I knew it wasn't like you to jump in front of a train, but it was just like you Eric and Gregory to con you across the track. I remembered how Eric had played chicken with us, and I blamed him at first. Later I realized that there was a lot more than a game going on.""Why didn't you tell me this before? You should have told me this before.""You weren't telling me things, either.""I was trying to protect you!""What the heck do you think I was doing?...I had to distract him, give him another target, and try to get something on him at the same time. It almost worked. I gave the tape to Lieutenant Donnelly Tuesday afternoon, but Gregory had already laid his trap." "You thought I'd betray you.""Will I'm sorry. I was wrong. I really am sorry, I made a mistake. A big one. Try to understand. I was so mixed up and afraid. I thought I betrayed myself when I trusted you-and betrayed Tristan when I fell in love with you. Will!""You fell in love with me?""Love you, Will.""Love you, Ivy.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Actually, I came because I have a last-minute invitation. My friend Erika Gill is having a big party tomorrow night, one of those all-out birthday bashes that girls like. Want to go?"----------------------------------------"No. Sorry.""Since it's a catered thing, at a restaurant, I'll pick you up at- what did you say?""I'm sorry. I can't do it."----------------------------------------"You're busy?""I just can't do it," I said.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“People fear anyone who differs from what is considered normal, and in a small town the idea of normal can be as narrow as the streets.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Good dog! Nice fetch!""He wasn't fetching.""Bring her here, boy. Good job!"The dog looked from Zack to me."I've been training him," Zack said. "Up till now he's brought home only dead rabbits, but I guess he's finally getting the hang of it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Endings are beginnings, and beginnings are ours to turn into something good.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“No puedes elegir siempre como amar a una persona. El amor no es lógico o justo. Sólo pasa.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“...you canʹtalways choose how you love a person. Love isnʹt logical orfair. It just happens.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Recordar puede ser tan doloroso cómo no recordar.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Cada día, cada hora, te he mantenido cerca de mi corazón.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Aun en la muerte, te quiero junto a mi.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“La manera en que Tristan la hacía reír, la manera en que la había atraído a su vida, la manera en que la había deleitado con su música - ¿Como podría alguna vez dejar su ansia de él?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Si no fuera por ti, yo nunca habría sabido lo que es amar a alguien... Si no fuera por ti, nunca habría besado una boca tan dulce.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“No podrías estar más cerca de mi corazón que ahora.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Cuanto más amas, más te lastima. Lo que es peor, lo lastimas a él así como a timisma.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Cuando amas a alguien, nunca se termina... Sigues adelante, porque tienes que hacerlo, pero lo llevas contigo en tu corazón.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“As Tristan left the darkroom he heard Lacey’s soap opera voice. “And so our two heroes part,” she said, “blinded by love, neither of them listening to the wise and beautiful Lacey”—she hummed a little—“who, by the way, is getting a broken heart of her own. But who cares about Lacey?” she asked sadly. “Who cares about Lacey?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Don't worry," I repiled, "I usually don't argue with the voices.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“People are vicious. They will turn on you.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Change can be good. It just depends on what we make of it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Sometimes I think that love is one big fairy tale. I wonder if people who say they are in love, if – really – they’ve just talked themselves into it. They want it so badly, they kind of make it happen. They fake it until they start believing their own story. Maybe that’s just sour grapes or something. Maybe because it doesn’t happen to me, I don’t want to think it happens to anyone else.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“I think I’m dying to get to know a particular guy. Then he opens his mouth and ruins it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“The truth was, it was myself I couldn't trust, my eyes from betraying my heart.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“old grudges and bitterness always hurt the individual more than the one whom he believes injured him.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“We sat in silence, both of us looking up at the stars. He was probably envisioning a machine headed for Pluto. I wished i was on that machine.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Experience had taught me not to get close to guys who fell in love with Liza. I had been burned twice and I knew I couldn't compete. It didn't matter that I could no longer give a guy access to my sister; if Mike knew who I was, I'd be access to romantic memories of her. He'd start looking for traits and signs of her in me. And I wasn't setting myself up for that kind of heartache.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“What's wrong with actors?" "They quote poetry. A girl has to be crazy to believe one," I told him. "It's far too easy for an actor to give you a good line." "You're quick to judge.""No," I argued. "I've had experience with theater types. After a while they can't tell real from unreal. They believe their own creation of themselves and can't understand why everyone else isn't convinced they're wonderful." He jumped down from the limb, then stared up at me, his eyes sparking with anger. "It's efficient, I guess, judging an individual by a group. You don't waste any time trying to know somebody." But I don't want to know you! I thought as I watched Mike walk away. I can't risk knowing you.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Her hair gives dawn it's fire, her eyes give dusk her soul"He knew how to use his voice to melt a girl's heart, to make a girl want to believe. I steeled myself against the seductive words. "Excuse me?" "It's a line of poetry describing a beautiful girl, one who doesn't seem to know it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Creativity is no excuse for obnoxious behavior”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“The incredible blue of his eyes and the intensity with which zeroed in on me made my heart jolt, made me feel as if I were on an elevator that had suddenly dropped beneath me. All I could do was stare at him, surprised. Of course the character of Helena would have acted the same way. I wasn't acting but I looked like I was”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“If you ask me, people out of touch with reality aren't nearly as dangerous as lawyers like him who manipulate it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“dreams are shadows cast by truth shining on our darkest secrets”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Its just the anniversary, she wanted to tell him. Its just this time of the year stirring up these memories. Everything will be all right. But she couldn't say that, because she wasn't sure it was true.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“I'm sorry that you're still hurting.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“He had told her he would love her forever, but he could not stay with her. From that time on, she couldn't see his glow or hear his voice in her head. Could he still hear her? Was he even aware of her existence?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Was he still, somehow, watching over her?”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Her joy with him was like nothing she had ever experienced. His love for her felt like a miracle.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Everyday, every hour, I have held you close in my heart.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“He leaned over her, the sun behind his head making a halo of gold, his face lit by the reflections off the water.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Love can fuel hate.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“Good dog," Nick said. "That's one of the tricks I've taught him, shaking water on girls so they back into my arms.""Really! How smart of Rocky - and you, of course.""That's another thing I've been wanting to tell you," he said, turning me to face him. "I'm tired of getting jealous of my dog. I mean, he has nice eyes, but so do I."I looked from Rocky's golden eyes to Nick's laughing green ones."I didn't enjoy the way Rocky got to stick close to you while I played Holly's boyfriend. He's going to have some competition from now on." "Oh, yeah? Are you good at retrieving sticks?""I'm good at stealing kisses," Nick said, then proved it.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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“I stopped walking and wrapped my arms tightly around him. "You know I can hear your heart.""Could you hear it breaking when I accused you of getting my cartoon pulled?" he asked.I held my head back so I could look him directly in the eye. "I didn't pull it.""You couldn't have," he replied, "because I did.”
Elizabeth Chandler
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