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Elizabeth E. Castillo

Elizabeth Esguerra Castillo is a contemporary international author/poet from the Philippines, who considers herself as a modernist writer. She is also a Professional Feature Writer/Creative Writer/Short Story Writer/Journalist/Blogger/Speaker,and also works as an Online English Instructor.

Her poems were first published in Blue Collar Magazine by the Don Bosco Technical Institute during the 1990s. By the year 2005, at a local community newspaper Antipolo Star, she was given an opportunity to exhibit her writing ability as a news reporter and was also hired as a Feature Writer at the former Meralco Management and Leadership Development Center (MMLDC), now First Pacific Leadership Academy’s (FLPA) quarterly corporate magazine.

She was featured in more than 50 international anthologies in the USA, UK, Canada, Africa, and India.

Elizabeth's first International Poetry book "Seasons of Emotions" was published last January 7, 2013 by Destiny to Write Publications, UK and her second book, "Inner Reflections of the Muse" published by Inner Child Press, ltd. USA last April, 2014. She is a member of the American Authors Association (AAA) and PEN International and a multi-awarded poet/writer.

Elizabeth has co-authored more than 50 international anthologies (and counting), some of which are:

1. SOS Sahel by Plum Tree Books - Amazon, UK

2. World Trade 9/11 Tribute by Barry Mowles -Destiny To Write Publications - Lulu UK

3. I Want My Poetry Volume 1 by Inner Child - Amazon USA

4. Hiding In The Shadows by Barry Mowles - Destiny To Write Publications - Lulu UK

5. Hot Summer Nights by Inner Child - Inner Child Press USA

6. Amazed By Gentle Winds by Frances Ayers - Booktrix USA

7. Little Petals In The Wind by Frances Ayers - Booktrix USA

8. Breaking Silence by James Robert Myers - Amazon Africa

9. The Sun Shines So Brightly by Frances Ayers - Booktrix USA

10. The Art of Darkness by Steven Michael Pape - Blurb UK

11. Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal by Sir Ricky McGentleman – Amazon USA (Guiness Book of World Record Holder For Most Artists Contributing To An Anthology)

12. Christmas 2012 by Barry Mowles - Destiny to Write Publications– Lulu UK

13. Healing Through Words - Inner Child Press USA

14. I Want My Poetry Volume 2 - Inner Child Press USA

15. Best of 2012 by Barry Mowles - Destiny To Write Publications - Lulu UK

16. In Praise, In Memory, In Ink by Brian Wrixon – Blurb Canada

17. Winter Songs and Holiday Expressions by Frances Ayers - Bookrix USA

18. Angels Cried by Stephen Wilson - Amazon/Barnes and Noble/Smashwords USA

19. Acerbic Anthology by Muse For Women- Createspace/Amazon, Africa

20. Valentines Day 2013 by Inner Child- Inner Child Press, USA

21. Battered Shadows - CreateSpace, USA

22. Circle of Poetry- Under The Dreaming Tree- Amazon, USA

23. In Our Own Words by Brian Wrixon- Blurb Canada

24. All The Lonely People- Plum Tree Books UK

25. A Haiku Treasury by Brian Wrixon- Blurb, Canada

26. Tender Words and Vibrant Songs by Frances Ayers - Booktrix, USA

27. Destiny To Write In Aid Of UNICEF by Barry Mowles - Destiny To Write, UK

28. Moods and Moments ( Soul Reflections of Loving Hearts) by Writers Empire - Amazon, India

29. United We Stand by The Unified Literary Artists - Amazon, USA

30. Twist of Fate by Stephen Wilson (IIA)- Amazon, USA

31. Heavens Above- Poetry Below by Brian Wrixon Books - Blurb, Canada

32. Rhyme with Reason by Brian Wrixon Books - Blurb, Canada

33. Letters to Heaven by Barry Mowles and Friends - Destiny to Write Publications,UK

34. Winter Poetry by Brian Wrixon Books - Blurb, Canada

35. I Am Poetry, Antholology

“Don't go the distance trying to fit in the crowd and be accepted by others. Accept and respect yourself first. Loving thyself also goes with this."-Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“We cross paths with certain people in our tangled lives for a reason. It's not by chance, not an accident but it's on a purpose. You were made to be part of someone's life for it was written long before you were born."- Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“Too often, the hopeless romantics among us are wishing and praying for the Right One to come along and sweep them off their feet. But have you ever wondered first if YOU could be a Right person whom another person is worthy of having?"-Elizabeth's Quotes on Love”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“The calming sea reaches out to me. Inviting me to its pure serenity."-Elizabeth's Quotes (inspired by a Pablo Neruda quote "I need the sea because it teaches me.")”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“Love never dies. It fizzles out maybe but it stays there in your heart buried by emotions controlling you. Once the fire is rekindled, love resurfaces again, breathes a new life."- Elizabeth's Love Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“As an artist, my talents are not mine alone to just keep. My creations have to touch lives, spread love and let my skills be used only in good things but should be selfless not through selfish motives. In this manner, I am giving the gift back to my Master Creator." - Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“Poetry lets me pour out my various emotions even the suppressed ones we didn't know exist inside us' til the moment you start jotting down what you're feeling. It's more than an escape into the unknown, a refuge for your creativity and sometimes wild imagination not all ordinary, ungifted people like us understand." -Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“Flowers bloomed without glimpsing your smile in spring, leaves have fallen in autumn chiming in with the gloom, the chill of winter has gone and now is the first light of summer without you near but in our hearts will forever hold you dear..." Elizabeth's Shorter Poems”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“You are the captain of your emotions. No one and nothing can control those feelings except you. You have the sole ability to either let these make or break you, inspire or destroy you."- Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“I'd rather be a woman of substance than a mere beauty with nothing to offer."- Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“ I uttered his name like a silent whisper of the falling rain - saying love is his game as the cool breeze sets in."- Elizabeth's Shorter Poems”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“I chose the light amidst the lurking darkness. I chose calmness and stillness among a crowd bathing in chaos. I chose happiness over screaming negativity around and I chose to be ME over the temptation of being like somebody else.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“A true great artist at heart never ceases to create, continuously amazes and keeps sharing his gift despite barriers, judgement, fears and dreaded myths. If you stopped being creative out of fear or loss of self-esteem or pride, you were never an artist first and foremost for you have ran away from your true calling." - Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“God will publish your love story in His perfect time and not your own "designated" time. The more you desperately search for it, the more elusive your prospective love would be.Simply let it find you. Let yourself grow first and be ready to get involved in a sincere and healthy relationship and not just because the "last train" might leave without you on board or that you are lonely and feeling pressured. True love comes when it is meant to be yours and if it is your right time." -Elizabeth's Quotes”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“I was not born to live up to society's expectations of who I should be but rather I define my own individuality and my uniqueness for I chose to follow the path of being an extraordinary instead of just being ordinary.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“As we embark on a new chapter of our lives, our focus must be on what the future holds. We can look back from the old memories but mustn't stay there and be stagnant for life is meant to let you move forward and not backwards.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“What makes an amazing artist? It's not his ability to impress but his skill in touching people's lives through his craft. When he does even a simple piece of work with not much adornment (fanciful words, colors) and it moves the hearts of his audience, it is considered to be a masterpiece! A true artist lets people enter a different kind of sanctuary out of the conventional. What makes his work standout is its uniqueness -if it has a HEART.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“I believe when you integrate charity in your craft and not just think of the fame and riches it would entitle you with, you will feel this true sense of fulfillment. Carry on your mission, of where God destined you to be- to use His gifts in good ways and not just for yourself.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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“Love is a soft whisper coming from the beating one's heart. It's gentle rhythm gives you a feeling of ecstasy you cannot readily fathom for it's not easily defined nor there are finite reasons as to why it is felt by someone.”
Elizabeth E. Castillo
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