Elizabeth Egerton Wilder photo

Elizabeth Egerton Wilder

As a senior that never gave up on her dream of finding time to write a novel, I launched 'The Spruce Gum Box' on my 72nd birthday followed by sequel 'Granite Hearts' on my 74th. The third novel of the trilogy 'Beneath Mackerel Skies' is due summer 2014. The three will be available on kindle as a package - "Maine at Heart". I have been asked if that was part of my bucket list. Hardly. That was the beginning of a new world for me, one that helped me figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Whenever an opportunity arises, I spread the word of aging with abandon where age is just a number with a positive attitude.

Throughout the process of writing historical fiction set in the 1800's - State of Maine, I drew upon stories and research of my husband's family in northern Maine along with a varied background in a number of artistic endeavors. I have a BA in Art and Education and have worked as a teacher, designer, colorist, small business owner, photographer and watercolor artist. I believe that bits and pieces of it all, combined with raising my family and an innate appreciation of nature, were all the ingredients needed to write. In process - a "sort-of" memoir named 'Tea Leaf Annie'.

A native of New England, home is now a fabulous senior community in Eastern PA with my Cal, my husband of 55 years, and our cat Smokey.

“Age is merely mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. Mark Twain”
Elizabeth Egerton Wilder
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