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Elizabeth Eulberg

The short and sweet version:

Elizabeth Eulberg was born and raised in Wisconsin before heading off to college at Syracuse University and making a career in the New York City book biz. Now a full-time writer, she is the author of The Lonely Hearts Club, Prom & Prejudice, Take a Bow, Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality, Better Off Friends, We Can Work it Out, Just Another Girl, Past Perfect Life, and The Great Shelby Holmes series. She lives outside of Manhattan with her three guitars, two keyboards, and one drumstick.

To check out the long version, head over to my webpage: http://www.elizabetheulberg.com/bio/

Happy reading!

“Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Son las letras lo que se me da fatal. [...] ¿Acerca de qué voy a escribir? No sé ni una palabra del dolor ni el sufrimiento. Ni del amor.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I can’t wait to see what I can do, now that I’m no longer standing in my own way.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I was just reminding myself that I could get over heartbreak if it happened another time. ... I'll be back again.Yes, I would be back. I could take chances with my heart and I would be able to bounce back, and anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end.And I did deserve everything I wanted-- somebody who would appreciate me, someone I could trust, someone who liked me for me.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“You’ve got to hide your love away: tienes que ocultar tu amor. Y no sólo esconder tus sentimientos. Tienes que destruirlos. Matarlos antes de que ellos te maten a ti”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Solo que no fue el cuento de hadas que yo había esperado. Porque los chicos cambian.Mienten. Te pisotean el corazón. A fuerza de desengaños, descubrí que ni los cuentos de hadas ni el amor verdadero existen.Que el chico perfecto no existe.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I found out the hard way that fairy tales and true love don't exist”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“And I did deserve everything I wanted -- somebody who wouldappreciate me, someone I could trust, someone who liked me forme.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I could take chances with my heart and I would be able to bounce back, and anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end. And I did deserve everything I wanted-somebody who would appreciate me, somebody I could trust, someone who liked me for me.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“... that was what should truly matter in this world. What you have to offer people, not what you can buy.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“It was flawless. It was, in fact, so flawless that it didn't call attention to its own flawlessness. It was perfect.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“You've got to step up, Emme. They need to hear your voice, hear you. You're better than being stuck in the background.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“REGLAMENTO OFICIAL DEL CLUB DE LOS CORAZONES SOLITARIOS, DE PENNY LANE.El presente documento expone las normas para las socias del Club de los Corazones Solitarios. Todas las socias deberán aprobar los términos de este reglamento pues, de lo contrario, su afiliación quedará anulada automáticamente.1. Las socias están en su derecho de salir con chicos si bien nunca, jamás, olvidarán que sus amigas son lo primero y principal.2. A las socias no se les permite salir con cretinos, manipuladores, mentirosos, escoria en general o, básicamente, con cualquiera que no las trate como es debido.3. Se exige a las socias que asistan a todas las reuniones de los sábados por la noche. Ninguna socia excusará su presencia en la fecha señalada para las reuniones con objeto de citarse con un chico. Se mantienen como excepción las emergencias familiares y los días de pelo en mal estado, exclusivamente.4. Las socias asistirán juntas, como grupo, a todos los eventos destinados a parejas incluyendo (pero no limitándose a) la fiesta de antiguos alumnos, el baile de fin de curso, celebraciones varias y otros acontecimientos. Las socias podrán llevar a un chico como acompañante, pero el mencionado varón asistirá al evento bajo su propio riesgo.5. Las socias deben apoyar siempre y en primer lugar a sus amigas, a pesar de las elecciones que éstas puedan hacer.6. Y sobre todo, bajo ninguna circunstancia, las socias utilizarán en contra de una compañera los comentarios realizados en el seno del club. Todas sabéis a qué me refiero.La violación de las normas conlleva la inhabilitación como socia, la humillación pública, los rumores crueles y la posible decapitación.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Elizabeth Bennet, will you do me the great honor of not going to prom with me? ... Will you instead avoid prom with me and let me take you on a date ? ♥ - Will Darcy in Prom & Prejudice ☺”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Georgie took out her phone. 'I want to take a picture of you two.' She held up her phone and motioned for us to get together.Darcy and I lined up against the railing. 'No, I need you closer together to get you both in the photo,' she instructed.I had taken countless pictures on the waterfront and I knew that if you were getting the skyline in the background, you didn't need to be that close.Darcy put his arm around my shoulder and we leaned in. I slipped my arm around his waist and I noticed how easily I fit into the little nook on his side.'Oh, hold on, I'm having problems.' Georgie played with her phone for a few moments while we just stood there in our posed embrace.'Georgie...'She looked up at her brother and blushed. 'Um, I think it works now.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“If you don't have any feelings for Will Darcy, why are you blushing and fixing your hair?”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“So Elizabeth, dare we take the dance floor again in hopes of repeating that splendid performance given by Lydia?”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“It's very easy to get a boy to leave the room.It's much harder to get him to leave your thoughts.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I wouldn’t change a thingBecause all those things led me tothis placeAnd to you”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I look at the hundreds of algebra problems facing me in the next three days.And here I thought I’d figured out the equation to my happiness.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“We’ve been focusing so much on getting there that we haven’t been enjoying the ride”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I’m an idiot for thinking that one performance would change anything.Maybe I should stop writing songs and start writing fiction.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“It’s the uncertainty of being accepted that creates the drama in our lives.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“So …” Jack clears his throat. “We …”Is Jack Coombs at a loss for words? I guess we don’t have to worry about the performance since the world is clearly going to end.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Jack throws his hands up. “Okay, is this some kind of a joke? Seriously, you are being the voice of reason here? I can’t handle this. Please start freaking out.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“My life has been one big audition.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“What a clear, poweful emotion - thankfulness. It hadn't occurred to me in a long time that I could be someone that another person would be thankful for. Not for anything I'd done or said, but simply for who I was, and who I had the potential to be.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Sometimes friends have to suffer for their friends' happiness.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I don't want to ruin our friendship and what we have but I cannot for another minute stand in front of you without you knowing exactly how I feel. Because I can't see past you. You are everything to me.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“And anything that might hurt me would just make me stronger in the end.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Si nos unimos,podemos hacer cualquier cosa. Sólo debemos tener fe en nosotras mismas. Y nos merecemos todo aquellos que queramos""Si me merecía lo que más deseaba: alguien que me valorara, alguien en quien pudiera confiar, alguien que me apreciara por mí misma""A ver, si no recuerdo mal, hubo un tiempo en que tú mismo querías salir conmigo, pero se que este cerebro que tengo lo impidió”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Tracy and I were among the few girls left in our class who hadn't made it to the table as Todd's girl of the moment. I'd never had the desire to be part of their demented version of Noah's Ark, where you could only survive if you were paired up with a member of the opposite sex. If I had to choose between dating Todd and missing the boat, I was fully prepared to drown.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Talking to them was like being placed into conversational purgatory, with no hope of being released without significant damage to one's self-esteem.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“There was only one thing I could do to ease the pain. I turned to the only four guys who'd never let me down. The only four guys who'd never broken my heart, who'd never disappointed me. John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Anybody who has ever clung to a song like a musical life raft will understand. Or put on a song to bring out an emotion or a memory. Or had a soundtrack playing in their head to drown out a conversation or a scene.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“3) Saturday night is the official meeting night of Penny Lane's Lonely Hearts Club. Attendance is mandatory. Exceptions are for family emergencies and bad hair days only.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“2) Members will attend events together as a group, including, but not limited to, Homecoming, Prom, parties, and other couply events, despite possibly being labeled as freaks and getting jealous looks from guys who wish we were their hot dates, but instead have to settle for some lame wannabe.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Oh, Darcy!' Fitz grabbed Darcy by the collar. 'You have such a way with the ladies.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I would, for once, focus on me”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“It was bad enough to see friendship and love in terms of politics. But seeing it in terms of business was even worse.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I know, but it's just one night and I really think it's silly to spend thousands of dollars on a dress you only wear once.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I tried to remember what Rita had said about being a bigger person. I could either calmly tell him that he was mistaken or let him have it. I could be the bigger person or I could be like any normal sixteen-year-old.Like there really was a choice."First off, you ever call me a babe again and no medical team on earth will be able to tell that you were once a guy."I was only sixteen after all.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“I wondered if it would've been too subtle to wear a T-shirt that said thank you for your interest, but I am no longer dating.I knew Todd, wasn't a huge fan of reading, but he did like to stare at my shirts.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“Tracy danced over to me. "So, if I have to pretend to be a Beatle, can I be Yoko?”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“That's impossible," I replied. Diane Monroe and Ryan Bauer had been together for four years. They were supposed to get married, have 2.4 kids, and have a 50 percent chance of living happily everafter.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“He was a guy. A guy guy. As far as I was concerned, he probably had the dead bodies of small children and puppies hidden in his locker.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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“And Nate? You kiss like a slobbering dog, you have bad breath, and you wouldn't know how to punch the right buttons on a girl if we came with manuals. Happy Thanksgiving, Jackass.”
Elizabeth Eulberg
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