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Elizabeth Heller

“I see the new couple holding hands, smiling so carelessly at each other. I want to scream “Stop!” to them. I want to warn them what happens when you fall in love. You get hurt. It will take a while, A few months, or if you’re really lucky a year. But love, it falters. It fails just like everything else, it inevitably breaks.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“A gentle kiss on the lips is like the breath of a fallen angel.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Kiss kiss most beautiful girl.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“It's sad to say, but I think she's right for you. More right than I would have ever been.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I'm sinking quicker than you could ever imagine. I'm wishing.I'm falling blindly in the dark. I'm crying because I have known that you and I..we were doomed from the very start.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“January seems like a year ago.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Your not gone yet, but I can feel you slipping, slipping away.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I knew I love him then. It was the first time I cried out of hurt and the thought that he might never fully understand me.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“So maybe you were that guy that I always talked about. And maybe just maybe everyday I secretly hoped you would figure it out.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I see a stranger on the street and suddenly his eyes are your eyes, his smile is your smile. I'm going crazy. Hallucinating. And it's all because of you.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I arrive home with pink flushed cheeks and glittering green-blue eyes. The hardest part is the his smell that lingers on my skin. He is here and yet he isn't here at all. It is only a trick of the mind; a terrible delusion that leaves me with pale, white arms grasping out into the shallow blunt, blackness for someone who is far away. Someone who leaves you feeling utterly and beautifully broken.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Why would he want to put a stain on a white sheet? Why would he want to taint a love that has never been crushed? Why would he want to see her intoxicated then leave her in the morning to fend for herself? Why would he want to ruin innocence?”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I can't cry..not yet. I can't say goodbye..not yet. I can't lose you..not yet.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Before we know it, its all going to be over so fast. Too fast for us to even realize what was..”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Its the littlest things that make me stop and remember you. Like that old song we always used to listen to, me in the passenger seat and you at the wheel.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I turn up the music, but it never seems to be loud enough.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I want things to be like they were before...but even better. I want you to not leave this time...please don't break my heart.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Summer’s gone today; I wished a wish that it would never go away, but summer told me it couldn’t stay. So I said my goodbyes, with tear-filled eyes, and waved my farewell to the blue summer skies.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“How can I compete,when I know our lips will never meet?I can't show you that we might just make fireworks in the middle of december....Three years from now someone will say my name and I hope we'll have a love story you can remember...Hang up your shoes and settle down before time passes you. Let me show you honey, that life is beautiful not with one, but two <3”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I was once beautiful you know, I ran with feet that knew nothing of falling, and wished hopeless wishes on shooting stars that I knew would never come true.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“With me, it had always been easier to fall. Now my sister...well she was the climber. She could climb a mountain while I could fall from 10 feet with my eyes closed. We were so much alike sometimes I swore I could read her mind, she was after all my twin.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Sometimes you fall in love with someone because of the way they laugh with their eyes the moments they make you feel beautiful even when you aren't and how you see their face every time someone says "Love"...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“It's hard to say you miss someone who you never really knew”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I breathe in and I remember you. I breathe out and remember you, I'll always remember everything.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“As I sat alone on another summer night, I realized something had to change. I had to get out there and make new friends who didn't cling to each other so much that they didn't let anyone else in. I needed someone new in my life. Anyone new and willing to be a friend for awhile or a long while.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“When we first met, his face broke into a full-out smile. Not one of those polite smiles you give a stranger on the street. No, the smile sped up my heart and brought on a whole new definition to the word beautiful.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“That summer her memories were turned into melodies as he sung his way to her heart <3”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Now he was the freshmen in college while she was stuck in highschool being the sophomore. She was left behind hearing about him, watching his mom and dad at church on Sundays, and wishing she could move to a place where no one knew her that she was the only thing he didn't mind leaving behind...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“There is a broken song that plays over in my head each time I hear someone say his name.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“She looked up into his face and asked him "What does it feel like to have someone so beautiful?" He looked down at her naive eyes and said "It feels like a wave from the sea. The wave crashes over you and you go under unaware of the surface above you. You forget about everything while your with her. And eventually you feel beautiful too.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“After I’m gone, I want to leave behind my memory. I want the dead leaves during fall to crack like my heart did long ago. I want the snow throughout the dreary winter months to float aimlessly onto the ground and to whisper my words. I want the spring rain to pour like my tears did and the birds to sing for me. I want the summer air to blow through fields of dandelions and help the world’s wishes to come true. I want to be remembered everyday that I’m up in heaven if God allows it…”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Listen to the beat.Play the sound of his voice over and over again in your mind.You try to turn down the volume but baby this speaker has no controls.Just close your eyes.Listen to the last notes of this solemn memory. Live honey, can't forget, but you gotta live cause you gotta prove them all wrong about you, gotta show'um you won't be the one to slip between the earthquake lines forming in this dry dirt...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“CAN YOU SEE?The first...Tear once I found out that you left without a goodbye?The first...Drizzle of rain drowning all my hope? The first...And last heart of mine break in two?The first... Moment we met?”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I'm lost in a sea of smiles as laughter echos all around me.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Smile that gorgeous smile for me one more time before I know that it will never be completely for me.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Your eyes told me to trust you, your heart’s beat told me you were afraid of getting broken too, the only thing you didn’t tell me was how to let go once you were gone...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I think the hardest things is going to be letting go. Letting go of all my friends. Letting go of the person I was here in this small town.”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I looked up and met the saddest eyes I've ever seen. His eyes were like a hole that I fell into. I could see every emotion passing through his mind. I could see hope, yet the emotion that stood out the most, hurt led me to his his heart, his poor broken heart...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“I believed you, just for a second, until I looked into your eyes...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Don't tell me I didn't love him, don't...just don't act like you know what it feels like to lose someone who left without a goodbye. Someone who you spent your days praying to make him smile and then he just leaves, he leaves without a goodbye...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“Don't come back, if you do I'll be counting down the days even though I know you'll leave all over again. So please do this one thing for me and don't come back...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“When I first met him I didn't want to look into his eyes because I knew I would be able to tell how he thought about me and that scared me”
Elizabeth Heller
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“She put her hand to cover up her mouth, like somehow by shielding this part of her body she could protect the rest of it from the terrible pain about to come...”
Elizabeth Heller
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“How can I look so real everyday, when really I'm just a cardboard cut-out image of myself-lamenated in coats of artifical happiness with shiny plastic all around- so quite I should be a mime-I wrap my arms around myself when I go out in the wind because I don't know how to make sure that I won't blow away- and I'm standing with my eyes closed so I won't have to see the ground when I fall...”
Elizabeth Heller
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