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Elizabeth Hunter

“Are you being a guidance counselor again? Stop playing with your food.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Love is friendship. Just with less clothes, which makes it far more brilliant.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“She sighed and looked at him sympathetically. 'Cool flame tricks aside, there's no competition.'He lifted his eyebrow. 'Library wins?''Every single time.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“If there is one thing predictable about the male of the species, it's their sex drive and their fascination with fire. ... Most advances in technology occur because they're either trying to impress women or blow things up." [Tenzin]”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Never underestimate the fury of an angry mother, Caspar. They're the most vicious creatures in the world.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Science changes. Truth doesn't.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“The strongest, smartest and wealthiest have the most power.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Ah," Caspar exclaimed when he walked into the kitchen. "The grey is a good choice. Makes you look much less demon-of-the-night.""Please, Caspar," he implored. "A date with a live woman. Soon.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Love," he whispered in Italian, "is a single soul inhabiting two bodies".”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Ubi amo, ibi patria. Where I love. there is my home.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Most advances in technology occur because they’re either trying to impress women or blow things up. It’s as predictable as the sunrise.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Oh, wow.""What do you think?""I tried to imagine, but--I mean...it's so much more--""Think it's large enough to keep you satisfied for a while?""It's so much bigger than I expected"He backed away, leaving Beatrice to gaze in wonder at the library that took up half of the second floor."I think I'll just leave you two alone for a bit," he said with a chuckle.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Knowledge is Power.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Don't find a nice guy. You'd get bored, and he wouldn't know what to do with you. So... yeah, be pissed at me if you want, but you--you're one-of-a-kind..." He paused, unsure of what he was really trying to say. "So just find a guy that gets that, you know?" He rolled his eyes at the longest voicemail in history. "Or just ignore me, because it's none of my business, anyway.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“She glared at Tensin. "Thanks, that's reassuring." Tensin shrugged. "It should be. I've been alive over five thousand years. If there's one thing predictable about the male of the species, it's their sex drive and their fascination with fire." Beatrice snorted. "That's it, huh?" "Most advances in technology occur because they're either trying to impress women or blow things up. It's as predictable as the sunrise.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“She sniffed again. "If I become a vampire, will I stop crying every time I get pissed off? Because that would be definite mark in the plus column."Carwyn chuckled. "I've no idea, but your tears would be kind of pink. Very...cute.""Great," she swiped at her cheeks that were dusted with salty frost. "So I'd look stupid and I'd stain my clothes.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Far be it from me to keep a woman from her book. That could become dangerous.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“Tell the truth, Giovanni Vecchio." A mischievous look came to her eye. "You have a butler, a cool car, and I've only ever seen you at night..."He froze, tension suddenly evident in the set of his shoulders. Beatrice leaned closer and whispered, "You're Batman, aren't you?”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“And I also believe that love can work miracles.""Love?" She cocked an eyebrow at him. "What about friendship? Can that work miracles, too?"Carwyn rolled his eyes. "Silly B, love is friendship...just with less clothes, which makes it far more brilliant.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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“So, the wooden stake through the heart thing is apparently a myth, but you can be killed by fire. Anything else?""Should I be concerned that one of your first questions is how to kill me?"Her jaw dropped. "What? No! I didn't mean... I was just curious."He snorted. "Well you can remain so.""What about the sun?" she asked. "Extra toasty?""I'm not going to burst into flames, but I avoid tanning beds.""Silver?""Some of my favorite cufflinks.""Garlic?""Please," he sneered. "I'm Italian.”
Elizabeth Hunter
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