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Elizabeth Morgan

Elizabeth Morgan is a multi-published author of urban fantasy, paranormal, erotic horror, f/f,

and contemporary; all with a degree of romance, a dose of action and a hit of sarcasm, sizzle

or blood, but you can be sure that no matter what the genre, Elizabeth always manages to give

a unique and often humorous spin to her stories.

Like her tagline says; A pick ‘n’ mix genre author. “I’m not greedy. I just like variety.”

And that she does, so look out for more information on her upcoming releases at her website:


Away from the computer, Elizabeth can be found in the garden trying hard not to kill her

plants, dancing around her little cottage with the radio on while she cleans, watching Netflix

or curled up with her cats reading a book.

Website: www.e-morgan.com

Tiktok: @elizabethmorgan2011

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elizabethmo...

Twitter: @EMorgan2010

Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorElizab...

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/elizabethm20...

“Why did you choose to save me?”“I could not let you die.” He placed the plate and glass on the kitchen counter.“But you have let goodness knows how many people die. Why me?”“You made me...” He leaned against the counter and looked at her. “You made me…feel.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“He moved closer to her. “You did not have to get me anything. The fact that you did means I have been in your thoughts. I am thankful for that.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Ah, the ancient language of sarcasm. How it suits you.""Why thank you, petal. It is one of my many talents, and I happen to be fluent in the language." I dazzled him with my smile."You need to give me a manly nickname.""You haven't given me any reason to give you one yet.""That's harsh.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“I don't know what they are. They aren't completely human, so I don't know what to call them." I pulled one of the bags over the man's head, then rolled it down to his waist. My fingers brushed Clare's; the feel of her skin sent a warm tingle firing up my arms. I met her gaze, and without thinking too much about it, I slid my right hand over hers. God, I had missed her."Owen, there is a dead body between us," she said, her gaze never straying from mine."Best be thankful for that, flower." I pushed down everything I wanted to say. There wasn't time, and her bloody kitchen definitely wasn't the place.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Luca knows we're following him." His voice, soft and deep, seemed to roll right through to my bones. "We don't have time for you to shimmy up and down drainpipes like you usually do."My coat dropped in a heap on the floor, and I suddenly felt able to breathe without the hot, sticky weight of the leather clinging to me. Maybe we didn't have time to . . . ."Did you say shimmy?"He nodded."I never shimmy. I climb.""Then you and I have different views on what climbing is.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“What happened to the days of the hero rescuing the damsel in distress?" Not that I could envisage Heather as a damsel in distress."Those days are long gone, Brendan. Nowadays, the damsel takes care of herself, and on occasion she might even rescue the hero, if she feels he deserves it.""I'm screwed, then.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Can you stop calling me kid?" I snapped. "It may have escaped your attention, but I am not actually a child."The left corner of his mouth crept upward. "It hasn't escaped my attention.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“How long are you planning on us sitting up here, kid?" Brendan asked.I looked over at him. He sat still, with his head leant back against the rooftop wall, his eyes closed, his hands resting on his lap."Sorry, is being here getting in the way of your beauty sleep?""I don't need beauty sleep, kid. I'm naturally this good-looking."I snorted."Whatever makes you feel good, Shifter." No point boosting his ego.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“The corners of his lips picked up. "You really didn't know I've been following you for the last five weeks?"Yeah, please feel free to make me feel stupid for that, Ken doll. I shook my head."Well, of course not, because if you knew someone was watching you, you probably wouldn't have given yourself a spanking on the roof."And just like that, the man turned the humour back on. Weird.- Chapter 3: Heather and Brendan”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“A sly smirk curled at the corner of his mouth as he peered into the trunk. "Why do you have Robin Hood's toy chest?"- Brendan Daniels”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Killing me still on the agenda, tough girl?"I walked over to the desk. "Yup, right here next to buy Brendan a leash.""Glad to know you have a sense of humour.""I wasn't joking." I mumbled, knowing he would be able to hear me.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“I want you both." I said quietly, not caring that my cheeks had grown warmer. "I have for a while.""If we try this—" Tyler took a deep breath. "And it doesn't feel right—""We'll stop." Kacey promised as he slid his hand beneath my halter neck and began caressing my skin. "You say it baby, and we'll stop and forget all about it."My stomach flipped at the feel of his fingers circling my navel. "And if I don't want to stop?"An unreadable look crossed Tyler’s face and my heart skipped as Kacey moved behind me. The warmth of his body seeped into my back, while his fingers painted trails of heat across my abdomen and along my ribs."Then what happens in Silver Creek, stays in Silver Creek. Unless you decide otherwise." Kacey pressed his lips to my ear. A shiver ran down my neck and spine. "Does that sound fair?”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Right, I can't watch this shit." Kacey grunted as he got up. "It's one thing getting a hard-on over you, baby girl. The fact that Tyler happens to be in the picture…I'm freaking slightly.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“What are friends for, but to help each other get through bad times and have multiple orgasms?”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“We need to get you laid."Despite the fact she couldn't see my face, my brow furrowed. "How is that going to help?""Rebound sex is exactly what you need right now, sweaty, dirty, work-your-frustration-out sex. In fact, I have the perfect guy in mind—"I jolted up quickly at the sound of a firm tapping. I looked over at the window to see Kacey's sun kissed face, his shades resting at the edge of his long nose, baby blue eyes fixed on me.I placed my hand over my thumping heart. "You ass.""Bitch?""Not you, Jayne." I climbed off my bed. "Kay and Ty are here.""Speak of the devil, and his sexy ass will most definitely appear.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Don’t you like them?” She ran her fingers across the waistband ofher panties.“I’m afraid I can’t appreciate them in such low lighting. You will have to take them off and let me have a better look.” He tried to smile innocently. She rested her hands on her hips and shook her head slowly.“Very well. I will have to do it for you.” He took a step closer to her.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Ever since I saw you”—she pulled me closer and draped both of my legs over her shoulders. Her eyes blazed with hunger—“I have just wanted to eat you up.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“No, I’m not shy." I folded my arms across my shell-covered chest. The press of the hard material against my sensitive nipples caused my core to tighten. “But I usually have to buy a girl a couple of drinks in order to be treated to a show like that.”She turned to look at me, the fringe on her dress swaying with her movement. A thin eyebrow arched, her cherry lips pulled into a dazzling smile. “Well.” The intensity locked in her bright eyes as her green gaze moved from my head to my toes and back again made my entire body tingle. “I guess you owe me a drink, Meghan.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“I stumbled away. I pressed the back of my hand to my mouth and just looked athim. "What was that?"His chest rose and fell heavily. "A kiss.""Why?""Why?" He laughed. His blue eyes suddenly looked so sad. "Because I've wanted to do that for twenty years.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“My family stood right in front of me, talking and smiling. I felt like I was viewing one of those cheesy ad shots for camera companies. The ones I looked at and thought, fake, because no one's family ever looked that happy. Yet, the perfect family moment bloomed right before my eyes, and I wasn't a part of it.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“The nearest arched window poured its soft light over him, allowing me to seeevery inch. Dressed smartly in black loafers and slacks, he wore a thigh-length, blackcoat. He'd brushed his golden hair back, tucked behind his ears, and his cheeks lookedflushed, no doubt due to the bitter, evening air.He looks like an angel in the winter snow. The thought made me growl in irritation."Hello, Magpie."I couldn't move. "Adrian.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“This had to be Hell.Well, myHell, and funnily enough, my Hell was in a church, surrounded by people I—either door did—love.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“At the beginning of our relationship, my heart pounded so loudly whenever Istood near him. He had an effect on me that no aspiring vicar should have on a young woman.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“You got the list?” Lewis asked.“What the hell is the deal with the temperature?”“Razel is not allowed to sweat,” Maximo answered. “If she does,fanatics will appear from nowhere like mischievous sprites and bottleeach drop and then sell it on eBay for millions.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“I cocked my eyebrow at her. "Are you kidding me, Clare?" I indicated to the dead man on the broken pine table. "There is a dead Rogue in your kitchen." "Why is there a dead Rogue in my kitchen?" "Because I killed him in there.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“I took a deep breath and kept my focus fixed on her. "Making me chase you wouldn't be a good idea right now, flower," I stated, fully aware of my Wolf."No, it wouldn't, but you need to stay over there," she said firmly.My brow furrowed. "Why?""Because, if you come near me, I will want to kiss you," she said, nibbling her lower lip the way I wanted to."Well good, because I want to kiss you too." I moved back the way I had come, and so did she. "Clare—""No, not good." She shook her head. "Kissing leads to touching, or grinding, or"—she shuddered as her energy suggestively brushed against mine— "or petting, and almost stripping.”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“She made a slow turn as she loosened her ponytail and shook her head; her hair streamed down her back like a glossy black waterfall. She finished her spin. Her focus landed on me, and the air caught in my throat. My Wolf stirred.Clare.Her body went rigid; her sultry gaze hardened as she stared at me.Clare Walker. I'd know those moonlit eyes anywhere.She ran and grabbed hold of the stage right pole. Her feet left the floor as she wrapped her legs around the brass and spun.What in god's name is she doing working in a fucking strip club?”
Elizabeth Morgan
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“Do you truly feel that she is worth your wings?”He smiled. “What good are my wings, friend, when I can hold theworld in my arms?”
Elizabeth Morgan
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