I was born into your average middle-class Adelaidian family: Mum, Dad, Brother, Me. Very ordinary, very normal …But I was created for wonderful adventures with the Most High. I suppose it was ordained for me to become a school-teacher and a writer, because as a little girl, I was either writing stories about my teddies, princesses and exciting alien encounters; or lining up my dolls and teddies in my bedroom teaching them how to spell and do sums. I’m a church-going, youth-group-leading, piano-and-drum-playing, singing, dancing, reading, school-teaching, story-writing, so beautifully not-perfect, child of God. If I’ve done or achieved anything good and worthwhile in my life, it’s because He daily gives me strength, courage, motivation, comfort, inspiration and encouragement. And if I get any acknowledgement and praise at all for the stories I’ve written, then glory be to God, the true Author of creation, time, the universe, and my life.