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Elizabeth Norris

Elizabeth Norris briefly taught high school English and history before trading the southern California beaches and sunshine for Manhattan's recent snowpocalyptic winter.

She harbors dangerous addictions to guacamole, red velvet cupcakes, sushi, and Argo Tea, fortunately not all together.

Her first novel, UNRAVELING (Balzer+Bray, April 2012), is the story of one girl’s fight to save her family, her world, and the one boy she never saw coming.

“I didn't used to be like this. I didn't believe in love and romance and swooning. My default setting was bitch”
Elizabeth Norris
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“This is epic monument-style shit we're in.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“I'm trying to compliment you," Barclay say. "Can't you just say thanks?”
Elizabeth Norris
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“You suck at working with someone," I say, because it's true.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Everything that tried to stand between us doesn't matter. We might have broken a little. But now we're stronger in those broken places. And we're going to face whatever comes next together.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“This is the second fucking time I've gotten shot when I was with you. I don't think we can be friends anymore.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Even though I wasn't there, you were always with me. Always.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“I was here. I lived. I mattered. This is a good way to go.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Janelle, you're my home.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Certain moments in my life are imprinted in me memory.They're easy to recall with perfect clarity, whether I want to remember them or not. Any small thing can trigger them: a phrase, a smell, a thought. It brings everything back like I'm reliving that moment, a brief scene in the movie of my life, complete with how horrible I felt at the time. And I usually felt horrible in those moments that I want to forget that stick around.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Humans have precious few instincts, but that's because we don't listen to them. We let logic and knowledge get in the way. My dad always said that when instincts are at war with something society has taught you, listen to your instincts first and ask questions later. ”
Elizabeth Norris
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“The pivotal moments in your life are always made up of smaller pieces, things that seemed insignificant at time, but in fact brought you to where you needed to be.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“He takes two steps back. Closer to the portal.I can't stop myself. "Ben," I call. And I'm not even embarrassed about how helpless my voice sounds.Don't go."I'll come back for you." He takes another step back. "I promise."Stay."Janelle Tenner," he says. "I will always fucking love you." And then he takes one more step back. Into the portal.And the blackness swallows him whole.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Those deep set eyes that look like they could tell stories for days, and that wavy brown hair that feels soft between my fingers. I try to memorize the angles of his jaw and the lines of his lips, because I know.I know this may be the last time I ever see him.Breathe fills my lungs, my throat relaxes, and I can't help but smile. Because I can see what he's thinking as clearly as if he'd spoken.He doesn't want to leave - he doesn't want to go home.He's going to choose me instead.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Reaching out, I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his. And I move into his space until we're not even an inch from each other. Laying my forehead on his chest, I take a deep breath and feel his whole body relax, as if tension is rolling off his body in waves.I was always the kid who loved the smell of gasoline.His free hand comes up, and his fingers slip through my hair before his hand settles between my shoulder blades."Ben," I say into his shirt."Janelle," he whispers back, and I can feel his mouth against my hair. I can feel him smile.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“And the way it felt?" I whisper, as if that might soften the blow of embarrassment I'm about to deal. "Is that how you were feeling - how you feel - about me?" A breeze comes off the ocean, and my skin feels strangely empty and open as he gives an almost imperceptible nod.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Apparently this month is full of surprises. No one is as dumb as I thought they were.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“I mean, contrary to popular belief, I'm actually not harboring a secret desire to grow up and become a bioterrorist.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“When the zipper snaps open, Ben pauses, his breath hot in my ear. "Janelle Tenner," he whispers. "I fucking love you.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“So your perfect proposal, what would it be?" Ben asks. "Seriously?"... "I don't know. It would just be the two of us, and I guess I'd want him to say something honest, not overly romantic, not something that would make a great story to tell his friends. I'd just want him to lean over..." As I say it, I lean slightly toward Ben, close enough that I can feel the warmth of his body radiating into the empty space between us, and drop the volume of my voice. "... and say 'Janelle Tenner, fucking marry me.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Okay, so two people who are in love - they are who they are when they're apart, but when they're together, the fact that they're in love is supposed to make them better. Love and relationships are supposed to make people better.”
Elizabeth Norris
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“the book I was reading turned out to be crack”
Elizabeth Norris
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“Life is a fragile thing. Apparently the whole world is fragile too.”
Elizabeth Norris
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