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Ella Frank

“If I am going to drown, this isn’t such a bad way to go. Isn’t that the biggest mindfuck of all?”
Ella Frank
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“The fourth is there just to keep them in order because three of anything is bound to get messy.”
Ella Frank
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“Chantel plays the piece with such passion that I can only sum it up as this: If the notion of sublime were to take musical form, this is what you would hear.”
Ella Frank
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“I will only be as far as your heart lets me go.”
Ella Frank
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“I focus on the words in front of me and continue reading the book that has now turned me into a voyeur through no fault of its own.”
Ella Frank
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“True paradises are paradises lost”
Ella Frank
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“I need a suit of armor and the courage to stand behind my convictions to fight for what I want.”
Ella Frank
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“I'm left wondering just how far away from his heart he would let her go.”
Ella Frank
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“Yes, Phillipe. I want to feel you everywhere before I feel you nowhere.”
Ella Frank
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“Moaning, delirious with my own pleasure. I know that I'm selling my soul to him at this very moment.”
Ella Frank
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“Why did you fucking leave her, Phillipe?" Bringing his eyes back to mine, he swallows and simply replies,"I wanted to see if I could.”
Ella Frank
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“In his mind, it's becoming more and more difficult to differentiate between the two. Both woman seem to be merging into one, and it's now impossible for him to stay away.”
Ella Frank
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“It was ironic because we would be tested tonight. Our foundation would be shaken, and for a minute, I would forget who we were. Someone would offer up temptation, a whisper of doubt, but it wouldn't come in the form of an apple. No, it would come in the form of something much worse. For the first time ever, I would doubt Phillipe, and with the doubt tricking through my veins, I would feel like I had nothing else in the world. For that moment in time, I would feel completely alone.”
Ella Frank
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“I listen as he becomes a victim to his own seduction”
Ella Frank
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“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and, therefore, is winged cupid blind. I don't need to see you, Phillipe, to know you feel as I do.”
Ella Frank
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“He tries to remind himself that there is no reason he should feel guilty about being bound by one woman who is becoming entranced by another.”
Ella Frank
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“He is being dragged into his own desolate abyss, and he know if she stays, he is going to pull her in, too.”
Ella Frank
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“Right now, you're mine, just like she was mine. I'm going to pull you under and drown you in me until you can't forget.”
Ella Frank
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“Well that woman has crept into my mind. Somehow, she has stolen my very sanity because now I want her hands on me. I begged for her to touch me until I, too, lost myself in the beauty of a fantasy- a fantasy I still don't fully understand.”
Ella Frank
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“So I'm just suppose to bare my soul to you?" In the blink of the eye, he darkens the moment. "Well, you're asking me to bare mine.”
Ella Frank
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“What do you think Gemma? Do you like being painted this way?" All I can think is that being painted by him feels a lot like being fucked by him, but he already knows that.”
Ella Frank
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“This is the way I think I should always paint you- with a size twenty-four round brush in my hand as you coat the bristles”
Ella Frank
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“When I fuck you, Gemma, I want your eyes open, looking right at me. I've never hidden who I am from anyone I've touched, and I won't start with you.”
Ella Frank
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“She's clutching the worn leather journal. It's ironic how it now seems like a safety blanket for her, yet to him, it represents a tragic nightmare.”
Ella Frank
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“I wonder if a time would come when he wouldn't leave after spending thirty minutes in a room with me, but I know it isn't me he is running from. It is her.”
Ella Frank
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“I was already under his spell just by his voice alone. Touching him would make it impossible to ever surface about it.”
Ella Frank
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“There were plenty of things I showed Chantel in the chateau, Gemma. So, depending on where you want to be, you need to be much more specific." His tongue comes out to moisten his full bottom lip. "Then again, perhaps that's exactly where you want to be after your indecision last night on the stairs, hmm...between Chantel and me?”
Ella Frank
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“There was the moment-the moment I went back there for. That was the moment I knew that this man was going to change my life forever. Suddenly, I found myself wanting to change his.”
Ella Frank
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“I've been stimulated and made love to, but never have I craved the darkness that I witnessed in him.”
Ella Frank
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“I want you to play for me,” he told her as he passed the violin back.Her elegant fingers gripped the neck of her Stradivarius as she gently pulled it up and rested it on her left shoulder. She turned her chin, so it sat perfectly in the chin rest at the base of the lower bout.“What would you like me to play?” she asked, closing her eyes.“Something you want me to hear.”
Ella Frank
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“I'm going to pull you under and drown you in me until you can't forget.”
Ella Frank
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“I'm more annoyed than I probably should be, but all i can think about is the fact that she's here again. She's always here. "Because, Gemma, this is us." he explains in a voice that's now become somewhat detached. "We are three. Can't you see that? Just like any moment of beauty, we're all working in synchronicity to find that elusive moment, like that moment you and I found out in the vineyard...with her.”
Ella Frank
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“He touches me with every look he gives me, and she touches me with every word she tells me.”
Ella Frank
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“I'd heard about people falling in love, and I'd heard about lust. What I had never heard about was this all-consuming need to be inside another human being. I felt this desperate compulsion to become one with him. This was desire. This was to crave. This was what if felt like to want.”
Ella Frank
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“She is the mystery that is wrapped tightly around the man I am trying so desperately to unravel.”
Ella Frank
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“He is the enigmatic, mysterious artist, who is undeniably attractive, and he is the man who every woman wants to pose for, but he wants none of that. He only wants her. It all begins and consequently ends with Chantel Rosenberg.”
Ella Frank
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“I don't know what it is you see, and I don't know what you're feeling, but when you bring her between us, something happens inside of me.”
Ella Frank
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“Why can't I find release from this world we created?”
Ella Frank
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“When did this story morph? When did it change from a tale of two to a tragedy of three?”
Ella Frank
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“She is no longer here, but he won't let her go. So, where does that leave me? Well, that's easy. I'm left alone.”
Ella Frank
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“You've fucking destroyed me. First, she did, and now, you are.”
Ella Frank
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“I'm going crazy. I want this man to posess me. I want him inside of me. I want him any way I can get him.”
Ella Frank
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“There's a part of you, Gemma, that's so fucking sweet, and I want to steal that part of you, even though I know I shouldn't.”
Ella Frank
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“I'm struck with the realization that I'm holding onto a man who, for now, is holding onto me but he has still not let go of her.”
Ella Frank
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“I know I'm not the woman he so obviously hungers for and even though I'm not who he wants, I find myself stupidly willing to be her substitute.”
Ella Frank
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“You are so fucking beautiful you hurt my eyes.”
Ella Frank
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“If there was obsession here—a dominant persistent desire—then it was the desire to lose ourselves in one another. The only problem is that one person is now lost, and the other is trapped.”
Ella Frank
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“I see your eyes—those beautiful but frustrating eyes—looking up at me and offering everything I f**king want. I’m going to take it.” He growled out in a voice I hardly recognized. “I’m going to take everything you’re offering and more. I see your body laid out before me. You are open, vulnerable, and so f**king sexy that I can’t help but want to own it.”
Ella Frank
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“Let me inside.” Gently biting her bottom lip, he pleaded, “Let me inside, and never let me go.”
Ella Frank
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“I love you. That is the beginning, that is the end. That is everything.”
Ella Frank
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