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Elle Aycart

After a colorful array of jobs all over Europe ranging from translator to chocolatier to travel agent to sushi chef to flight dispatcher, Elle Aycart is certain of one thing and one thing only: aside from writing romances, she has abso-frigging-lutely no clue what she wants to do when she grows up. Not that it stops her from trying all sorts of crazy stuff. While she is probably now thinking of a new profession, her head never stops churning new plots for her romances. She lives currently in Barcelona, Spain, with her husband and two daughters, although who knows, in no time she could be living at the Arctic Circle in Finland, breeding reindeer.

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“Max shook his head in dismay. “Man, she’s agreed to marry you, but you haven’t closed the deal yet. James may get away with it, you won’t. He’s after all, officially a husband. Women take a lot of shit from their husbands. Not so much for their fiances. I suggest you get Christy jewelry. The more expensive the better.”“Nah, my woman is a geek. Jewelry doesn’t work with her.”
Elle Aycart
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“We’re trying to figure women out,” he explained. “What, in your opinion, would be the best Valentine’s Day present ever?” “We’re easy to please, any small detail will do,” Tate said. The collective male snort was loud. “It’s true,” Christy added coming out in her defence. “Yeah right. Any small detail will do, my ass,” Max began. “Let’s put it this way: what do my poor bros have to do for Valentine’s Day so that their Steak and BJ Day in a month will be memorable and won’t degrade into a handy and a hamburger?”
Elle Aycart
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“I hope your molding skills are up to date. Because really, some things, when broken, are impossible to repair, never mind how much clay you put on it.”
Elle Aycart
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“Her eyebrows lifted up. "You came here to seduce me armed with just one condom? What were you thinking?"He breathed out hard. "Oh come on, Tate, don't be nasty. I wasn't sure whether you'd talk to me. I didn't want to jinx it by being cocky and coming here with a string of latex. You know you would have had mt arrogant, self-centered ass for it," he muttered.”
Elle Aycart
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“Where are you going?""You didn't...""No, I didn't, but I'm in heaven deep in you. I want to stay like this. Let's talk."She burst into laughter. "Talk? Are you nuts? I can't talk while lying on top of you with your cock shoved deep inside me." He grabbed her by her waist and, without pulling out, he rose to lean on the wall, rearranging her to straddle him. "There you have it, no more lying.”
Elle Aycart
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“You're such a bitch; I tell I love you and what do you do next? You drop me like a bad habit. Hasn't it occurred to you I may deserve better than a coldhearted hypocrite so full of fears and prejudices she can't tell her head from her ass? I won't beg for anyone's love, and yours is no exception. I deserve a woman that doesn't have to be talked into showing that she cares. Someone who'd trust my commitment to her.”
Elle Aycart
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“I haven't had any action since the late seventies, so don't make me jealous. I don't think my heart can handle an erection.”
Elle Aycart
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“You haven't gotten the dynamics of our relationship down yet, have you? Let me explain it to you: we're involved, very involved. You're mine, and your problems are also mine. No one messes with what belongs to me. Don't fight me on that, because you'll lose baby. and be aware next time you hide something like that from me, I'll turn you over my knee and spank your ass red. Do we understand each other?”
Elle Aycart
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“You're so fucking beautiful when you come," he said, cupping her face, nuzzling her mouth. "Now turn around and bend over. I need to ride you."Tate opened her eyes and let out a shaky laugh. "Bend over the table? After being on my feet the whole night? I don't think so, buddy. I want on my back, pronto.""And I want in you. Now," he said as he lifted her left leg, hooked his elbow under her knee, and entered her.”
Elle Aycart
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“You were upset. I don't want you feeling forced into anything," he pressed on, horrified at his own words. Mental. Since when did he let chivalry get in the way of a blowjob? Talk about boycotting oneself, jeez.”
Elle Aycart
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“Sex talk? You mean the bee and the flower sex conversation? Your parents should have taken care of that a long time ago. Mine did."She elbowed him. "No, you bozo, I meant the safe-sex conversation where the bee explains in detail to the flower how he's always worn a raincoat while buzzing around, and how he'd never gotten entangled with dubious pollen.”
Elle Aycart
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“I'm going to take a wild guess here and say the hard-on you've been sporting all afternoon is not on account of Mr. Nicholson continually bending over to pick up the golf balls, right?""For fuck's sake, Dad!" James cursed, looking horrified at his father, who just shrugged his shoulders at his son's shocked expression."Whaaat? Just making sure," he added, hardly hiding his amusement.”
Elle Aycart
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“Cole, this would work much smoother if you remove your hand from between my legs.”“Why? Are you gonna be talking with your pussy?”
Elle Aycart
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“Okay, Miss Speedy Pussy, this settles the matter of whether or not I do it for you. You got your first orgasm. Tomorrow be ready to deliver my first date.”
Elle Aycart
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“My body is covered in marks, Cole.” Big deal. “Mine too, sweetheart.” She snorted. “Yours are war scars.” “Yours too, Christy. I waged war with others while you waged war with yourself. It’s the same. It’s just life; there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We both survived. This body tells its own story, and it’s an amazing story. You are amazing.”
Elle Aycart
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“He knew stripping in front of him was hard on her. Putting herself under his scrutiny and risking rejection was painful. What she didn’t seem to understand was that he would never reject her. Ever.”
Elle Aycart
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“Because I tried all those voice options, of course. Haven’t you?” She looked at him expectantly, as if scrolling through all the language and voice options in the GPS was a total must. “Frankly? It didn’t occur to me. I stuck with the first one.” She rolled her eyes. “There’s one in Klingon. I used to have it on when I drove my geekier friends to the yearly Star Trek conventions in Vegas. They’d translate for me.”He wasn’t sure which part of her statement was more disturbing to him: the friends that spoke Klingon, or the yearly visits to Star Trek conventions. Or that she had geekier friends. Finally he opted for one. “You have friends that speak Klingon?” She shook her head. “No. Not fluently, no. It helped a lot that from LA to Vegas is for the most part a straight line. You really don’t want to get lost in the Mojave Desert with a handful of bickering Klingons and Vulcans who can achieve global domination with a laptop but can’t figure out how to change a tire on the car.”
Elle Aycart
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“You like salsa, though?” she asked, looking incredulously at him. “Sure I do. I get to grope and show off a beautiful woman while I choose the steps and direct the dance. What more would a controlling bastard like me want?”
Elle Aycart
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“He should come with a warning fromthe health department: Handle with extreme caution and use at your own peril. Looking will cause palpitations, dizziness, and hyperventilation. Sheknew, for she was having all of those and then some.”
Elle Aycart
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“I want the right to spend time with you, not only fuck you. I want the right to stay for breakfast. And I want you bareback.""Ah so this all boils down to sex.""Everything boils down to sex, honey. Always. My drive to fuck you is huge, don't be mistaken, but this is more.""More?"He nodded but didn't reply.”
Elle Aycart
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“You don't believe in second chances, Cole,""But you do, and I think we've already established you're the smart one here.”
Elle Aycart
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“What about the jerks who think good oral sex consists of sucking your clit so hard it feels like you're stuck to a vacuum cleaner? You're there, squirming, about to pass out from agony, slapping at him and yanking his hair to get him to stop, and what does the moron do? Thinks you're coming, redoubles his efforts, and obnoxiously grins at you.”
Elle Aycart
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“I just came this morning and haven't been debriefed yet about the status of our latest prisoners. As a matter of fact, I'd barely stepped inside,”
Elle Aycart
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“You get the benefit of the doubt because according to the Eternal Sun gossip committee, you’re good as gold. They better be right, or I’ll stick my boot up your ass so far it’ll set up residency in your throat.”
Elle Aycart
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“I won’t beg for anyone’s love, and yours is no exception.”
Elle Aycart
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