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Elle Parker

“You have to be quiet," I said. "We don't want to wake up the ladies. I don't think I want 'em to see me all drunk like this.""It's not really me we have to worry about, Dino.""Shit, am I too loud?""Yes. Shut up.”
Elle Parker
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“He came up to me and kissed my neck, cupping the side of my face with his hand. He whispered, "Now give me your keys""Over my dead body.”
Elle Parker
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“Now all I have to worry about is what might crawl out of the darkness to get me in the night.”“Yeah, well, I think there’s a box of doughnuts under the chair. You can toss those to distract it.”
Elle Parker
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“Seth rolled his eyes. “Because you’re such a ladies man.”“I can be. I just have standards, is all. I’m very selective about who I choose to spend time with, whereas you’ll fuck anything that moves. And several things that don’t.”
Elle Parker
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“Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't we just get beat up for not being fags?""Sorry, you just don't scream hetero he-man, dude. I wouldn't call you flaming or anything, but let's just say your toes are singed. Hell, I read straighter than you do.""I hate to break it to you, but I'm probably too drunk to fuck.”
Elle Parker
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“We need to get you to stop thinking of me as a friend, and start thinking of me as that incredibly hot mechanic you’re sleeping with.”“You are a friend, why do we need to do that?”“Because you’re stiff as a board and not in the way I want you to be.”
Elle Parker
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