Cover me with a map of the Mediterranean and set me free in a little burning boat when it's my time to go ~ like the Vikings of olde! Just make sure to cast me off the coast of a remote Greek island..."a new island every year" has been my mantra, from Sardegna/Sicily to the Ionian Corfu, and that alternately green and rugged rock called Kriti ~ Crete. You're welcome to find my travel articles at:
Fueled by a gypsy lust for travel and an adventurous soul, I seek the ultimate off-beaten-track art, meal, dance, romance and story, increasingly harder to find as the world has grown cramped in places which not-many-years-ago, used to be nearly deserted.
A significant number of my archived fotos are of memorable animals I've met or who own me; in fact an Italian police officer's rescue dog is featured in my current novel,
Crazy, that...
. Oh yes, and a bird's on the cover...a very haunting bird.
In my life and of course also in my books, art and a spiritual subtext touch every aspect of the Mediterranean experience ~ from the banal to the Divine ~ rendering it a rich place to live and write. Nothing frustrates me more than being unable to join in conversations when I roam, so I've picked up several languages along the way... still working on Greek!
Two of my grown daughters continue to prosper in the San Fran Bay Area, but the anguish of losing a talented adult child to alcohol and pills has inspired my soon-to-be-released Ebook entitled:
Losing Lauren: my beautiful daughter's decline in bella Italia
Part of my motivation in writing this non-fiction book is to offer community, solace, humor to other suffering families. For a number of years, writing travel tales distracted me from my grief and uselessness in helping her.. current wisdom says, "Move ahead with your life" but the bottled-up story must become print or the muse-goes-mad.
That said, I invite both happy traveling folks and those who privately suffer along the lines I've decribed here, to contact me for further exploration of both the Mediterranean, and our hearts.