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Ellen Brazer

Ellen Brazer has written 5 books. She is the recipient of Hadassah's Myrtle Wreath Award, an award previously won by the late Maya Angelou. He book, Clouds Across the Sun is being made into a movie by Film Bridge International, Ellen has spoken all over the country and is now doing zoom talks for her newest book, and first biography.

I Am Meir’s brother https://amzn.to/3u4WgQZ

rated #1:https://bookauthority.org

Best Israeli Biography Books of All Time

It is a biography of the celebrated research scientist, Eliezer (Eli) Huberman, and the relationship he had with his Israeli spymaster brother, Meir (Huberman) Dagan. In order to grasp the influences that turn ordinary people into extraordinary people, the story begins with Eli and Meir’s parents. The family, including two-year-old Eli, escape from Poland and the Nazi extermination in 1941, only to find themselves entrapped in the frozen tundra of a Russian work camp. Through resilience, ingenuity and determination that would be passed down to their sons, the parents survive. Meir is born at the end of the war on the family’s way back to Poland, where they are greeted with devastation and derision. By the time they finally book passage to the newly formed State of Israel, their Zionist father has firmly instilled in the psyches of his sons a fervent commitment to a Jewish homeland. Eli excels as a gifted and exceptional student. He serves in the IDF, participates in the various wars, receives a master’s degree in microbiology and a PhD, and draws international attention for his published papers on cancer research. Upon meeting Lily Ginzburg, a life-long love affair begins. A child prodigy pianist from Lithuania and the descendant of survivors, the book examines her family’s life during the war and the impact it has on her. She becomes the bedrock of Eli’s existence, birthing and raising two sons, while shielding and protecting her husband from daily distractions. Eli’s demeanor, insightfulness and genius would open doors into the rarefied corridors of the greatest research institutions in Israel, America and the world. Every day of his life is spent searching for cures, unraveling mysteries, sailing another unchartered course, each step, deliberate and insightful. There are incalculable successes and heartbreaking failures, accolades and dismissals. Through it all, he never quits and never stops believing in the unbelievable.

Hearts of Fire is the prequel and extended version of Clouds Across the Sun. If you have read Clouds then reading this book will be like watching a favorite movie from a different perspective.

Shadowing the lives of two families, Hearts of Fire begins with the Milch Twins. Raised in Berlin, Germany, they are classic products of poverty and abuse. Brilliant, handsome and despotic, one twin maneuvers his way into the twisted bowels of the Nazi inner circle. Simultaneously, we follow the life of a girl born into a pious Jewish family in Vilna, Poland. Gifted, beautiful and determined to become an actress, Morgan Rabinowiszch she makes the momentous decision to break with the traditions of her faith. From pre-war Paris to post-war Russia, from the malaria-infested swamps of Israel to the greed-filled corridors of modern Washington, this historical sage is a story of duplicity and outrage, courage, termination, love and triumph.

Clouds Across the Sun https://rb.gy/k0tbck

was listed on Amazon under the best Holocaust related novels and is now being made into a movie. Ellen is thrilled to announce that she will be re-releasing Hearts of Fire, https://amzn.to/3u4WgQZ

the prequel and extended version to Clouds Across the Sun.

And So It Was Written http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0095ZIB84

premiered as a bestseller under Jewish Literature on Amazon. It is the story of the building and consequent destruction of a Third Temple in Jerusalem and the discovery of the Ark of the Covenant holding the Ten Commandments. If you liked The Dove Keepers you wi

“Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and most remarkable race which has appeared in the world.— Winston S. Churchill”
Ellen Brazer
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