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Ellie Williams

Ellie started her publication journey in November 2012 when she released the first instalment and the first edition of the A Broken Paradise Series, Chasing Fears.

Back then, the book was over 600 pages long and since has been broken down into 5 books, Chasing Fears, The Awakening, Progression, Revelations, and Lineage.

In February 2013, Ellie released the first edition of book 2, The Alliance, which was initially 700 pages long. However, after great deliberation, procrastination and editing, the original - Chasing Fears and The Alliance has had a whole new revamp.

2023 is here, and Ellie is back with her new project RnR (Revamp and Rerelease. For the final time, Ellie will finalise the ABP Series in her comeback tour, along with more titles of the Series and new projects.

“I'm not stupid and I'm not brainy. I just lack execution sometimes. I'm more of a "I should have said that" kind of gal. But there will be other days when I'll have a comback that'll knock ya flat and you knows it brov! ha-ha!”
Ellie Williams
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“I never have a plan, I have goals. Whether that b 2 succeed or 2 fail accidently on purpose is my game and every1's a player!”
Ellie Williams
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“My loyalty and friendship has no bounds, no matter where life takes us you'll always have my hand.”
Ellie Williams
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“My purpose in life. (Her Son)You are the making, the centre and the skin of my life. I couldn't adore anyone more.No one in this World can say that they educated me, changed me, yield me, broke me down, rebuilt me and strengthen me the way you can and have: and did it with love.You're the only one I can say I've had the pleasure of crying over, getting my heart stamped on by, living through the pain and recovering after it.Everything we've been through we will and have always come out on top: it's you and me kid.You are my Muse, my Heart, my Life and my Soul, and no matter the changes in life, my love, my dedication, my heart and my soul will never.Thank you for the ups and downs, thank you for my crazy smile and lets continue to face the World as we always have....together.”
Ellie Williams
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“Getting all sentimental PMSL!! Oh dear #LongingAgainInSilence”
Ellie Williams
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“YAY!!! I finally did it. Got my Blurb! :p”
Ellie Williams
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“Love peeps who have 2 correct me.Well it's peeps like you that give me fault when it comes to Apple. Apple been annoying me as well when it comes 2 trying 2 auto-correct me. Always ends up spelling it freaking wrong and just generally making me look like an asswipe as well as itself. It was fine b4 you changed it, I know I spelt it right, just like COLOUR is not spelt COLOR in my country!!! I never typed PEAK!! I wrote PEEK! it just decided not to and pissed me off just like peeps, like you, who like 2 auto-correct me!Rant over!”
Ellie Williams
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“We live in such an amazing World and we don't even see it.It's clouded by hate, betrayal and death.When do we stop all of that and begin living?, when do we realise that we're made for more than this?, our ability is far more powerful than we think!.”
Ellie Williams
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“I love sitting back and taking a look behind, just to see how far I've come. To view how things have unfolded by one simple move I made almost 18yrs ago. If I shall succeed in my dream to further this that I have started, then I shall not stop until I reach the end. But then I stand only to wonder? Why should I give up at all in trying to pursue a dream that quite frankly could be the making of something amazing, something that most likely, if should fail, will place me right in the path of something else. So I shan't give up, because I have come this far and because I know, in my heart, that it's landing me somewhere truely amazing, and I'm excited to see where it goes. Faith doesn't always start in Religion, it starts inside you. And if you have enough of it in yourself, then who's to say what you can accomplish.”
Ellie Williams
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“Love will weaken n ground u if u take 4 granted it's purity n song”
Ellie Williams
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