Else photo


American, Texan, Parisian.

Ray Else lived in Paris for 5 years and while there joined a writers group and dared to write with all his heart. A review published by the Sorbonne included his story "Surviving on Mexican Shade", and the BBC World Service broadcast that same story worldwide. Then he got busy making a living as a programmer for companies like IBM and Rocket Software.

Recently Ray returned to writing with some success. His short story, "First Kiss", was published by Galley Beggar Press in the UK. His latest Android Einna sci-fi novels, "Our Only Chance", "Fountain of Souls" and "Escaping Heaven" are thought-provoking and fun.

Ray has a B.S. in Computer Science and an M.A. in Technical Instruction / Film History. He is married with 4 grown kids and 14 grand kids.

Ray travels widely, to get inspiration for his books - you can check out his travel blog at rayelse.com.

“I push the big red button,and it doesn`t work!”
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