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Emile Peynaud

“Show me how you drink and I will tell you who you are.”
Emile Peynaud
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“Countless pleasures are wasted through ignorance and a want of skill and attention.”
Emile Peynaud
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“Wine, today as yesterday and tomorrow, continues to symbolize dual communion: on the one hand with nature and the soil, through the mystery of plant growth and the miracle of fermentation, and on the other with man, who wanted wine and was able to make it by means of knowledge, hard work, patience, care and love; for nothing worthwhile is achieved without love.”
Emile Peynaud
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“As long as one remains curious, one makes progress; it is when you think you know everything that you are actually out of date.”
Emile Peynaud
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“There are few pleasures which loosen the tongue as much as that of sharing wine, glass in hand.”
Emile Peynaud
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“A winetaster carries his tasting equipment with him wherever he goes, but it is at home that it is most finely tuned.”
Emile Peynaud
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