“When hope is all around you, it's hard to be down!”
“When life gets too cluttered, we neglect the important things.”
“The point is, bring joy to your surroundings.”
“Be joyful today with a good dose of pretty flowers.”
“Today is a gift; take pleasure in unwrapping it!”
“Take a little time to make ordinary things extraordinary.”
“Never have an Ordinary Day.”
“Little touches can make a big difference.”
“It's the little details in life that make all the difference.”
“Give yourself time for those things that are most important in your life!”
“Enjoy that special place.”
“When we lift someone else's load, we add color not only to our lives but to the lives of others as well.”
“Creativity is taking a simple thing and bringing it to life.”
“Style isn't what you have---it's what you do with what you have.”
“Gracious living is felt whether it is created in small or big ways.”
“Imagination makes all the difference.”
“May today be the greatest day of your life!”
“If you don't have a target-you'll never know if you have a hit or a miss!”
“Lightening up every day is a great way to travel through your life journey too.”
“Friendships happen through spending time together.”
“Allow spontaneity in your life!”
“Make the most of it.”
“Believer me, life can be much simpler. And you'll discover an energy for the things in life that really matter.”
“Each time you set and reach a goal, you'll discover a sense of contentment that breeds a stronger sense of direction and joy.”
“The simple truth - every day is precious. When it's gone, it never comes back to you.”
“Treat each day as a treasure.”
“If you want to make room in your life for peace and patience, take small steps on organization, know the value of time. Snatch, seize and enjoy every minute of it!”
“Plan your action, keep it simple, and get into motion.”
“Make a change today that will serve you for many more years.”
“Once your heart is is order, the rest will unfold more easily.”
“Resolve to make every day count. Be a woman of action. Treat each day as precious.”
“Make it a simple formula for your life.”