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Emlyn Chand

Melissa Storm is a mother first, and everything else second. She used to write under the pseudonym Emlyn Chand, but finally had the confidence to come out as herself to the world. Her fiction is highly personal and often based on true stories. Writing is Melissa's way of showing her daughter just how beautiful life can be, when you pay attention to the everyday wonders that surround us.Melissa loves books so much, she married fellow author Falcon Storm. Between the two of them, there are always plenty of imaginative, awe-inspiring stories to share. Melissa and Falcon also run the business Novel Publicity together, where she works as publisher, marketer, editor, and all-around business mogul. When she's not reading, writing, or child-rearing, Melissa spends time relaxing at home in the company of her two dogs, five parrots, and rescue cat. She never misses an episode of The Bachelor or her nightly lavender-infused soak in the tub.Learn more about Melissa's business at www.NovelPublicity.com. Learn more about her other author alias at www.EmlynChand.com. Learn more about her life on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, or Google+.Got a question? Send her a message here.

“They say that right before you die your whole life flashes before you – a medley of your own personal greatest hits. Well then, I must be about to live, because events that haven’t happened yet are constantly pushing themselves into my head.”
Emlyn Chand
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“You are not too small. No one is ever too small to offer help.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Hey, ants!" she shouted. "Please help. Anteater is very hungry, but cannot find any food.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Wait," Honey said to herself, as she realized something amazing. "I’m already an excellent flyer. Maybe I can fight crime too.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Her eyes burrow into my forehead like greedy grubs that want to feed off my private thoughts.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Her voice floats past me, swaying rhythmically, creating the sweetest song imaginable”
Emlyn Chand
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“There are two types of visions. Those that will happen no matter what, and those that can be stopped. Now more than ever, I wish I could tell them apart.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Note to self: don’t throw things at girls.”
Emlyn Chand
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“Do good. That’s all any of us can do.”
Emlyn Chand
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